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"And then they lived happily ever after." Rachel concludes while closing the book.

The children cheer and Rachel and I laugh. "Can you read another one?" Henry asks us. I laugh, "We've read you three today. I think it's time you guys go play outside."

Some of the kids cheer while others groan in unhappiness.
"C'mon guys! Lets go." I shout while opening the door that leads to outside. They all run out, grabbing the soccer ball or jumping on the swings.

Today was a very uneventful day- thankfully. The Elite ignored me like usual making me even more suspicious and all my classes pass by quite quickly.

It was much better than yesterday.

Now, I can only hope it'll continue like this.

Not only that but after I came home yesterday in different clothes, my mom had questioned me what happened. I simply told her that I tripped in a puddle and destroyed my models despite how far that is from the truth. However, I couldn't tell her what really happened. She would have definitely tried to get involved and I don't want that. I have enough drama without my mom interfering.

"So let me get this straight," I hear Rachel groan to Alex before they come into view. "You guys," She gestures to us "don't take a short break? Ever?" She looks at me.

I laugh, "That's it."

She laughs. "Since when have you given up free time to eat?" She teases. As we're both leaning against the wall, I nudge her shoulder playfully, "Shut up." She laughs at this and so does Alex.

"Shouldn't you be painting some wall or something?" I ask him teasingly.

He rolls his eyes, "Buzz kill." He mutters.

I laugh as he walks away but I don't miss the small smile tugging at his lips.


We all have that one friend- usually your best friend- who always tries to instigate things between you and your crush. It may not even be your crush but simply a hot guy.

You'd discreetly tell them "He's over there, with a blue shirt. Don't make anything obvious." However, they turn directly to him and wave.

Then, every time you see him, your friend gives you 'that' look and they always initiate the conversation, usually starting with: "doesn't my best friend look hot today?"

And that friend of mine ladies and gentlemen, is Rachel Withersons.

We had arranged for her to come over this afternoon but after she heard Alex ask me if he could come help with my art assignment today, she smirked and then said: "Sorry Soph, but I just forgot that I said I'd help my mom arrange her room."

I had argued back knowing she was lying but all she did instead was hug me goodbye and then winked at Alex with a smirk.

Thats right. She winked. At Alex.

I had internally groaned and then I face palmed myself which made Alex chuckle before his signature smirk took over.

I really wanted to smack that smirk off his gorgeous face.

All that lead to this very moment: Alex teasing me. He for one didn't eat up Rachel's story either, knowing that she was just trying to play matchmaker.

"Even Rachel would agree that I'm irresistible. Any female would." He smirks.

I roll my eyes. "You're so vain."

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