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"Come, please, Sophie." Rachel begs me over the phone and I lean back in my chair.

"I have my date with Alex later." I say, just the thought of it making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I basically hear her rolling her eyes over the phone.

"Exactly! Wouldn't it be nice to grab a drink before you head out?" She asks me in a pleading voice. "Just for an hour or two." She adds as I chew on my lip nervously.

"Starbucks is having a special..." She says and I sigh, giving in.

"Fine. Alright, I'll come." I say and she cheers. "But only for an hour alright?"

She lets out another cheer before I put the phone down and I stretch my arms above my head. Alex decided to take me on our first date today and I'm super excited despite not knowing where we're we going. I shake me head before climbing into the shower and getting ready. After thirty minutes of getting myself sorted out, I'm walking downstairs with my bag and phone.

When my mom sees me, she smirks. "Going to go visit your boyfriend?" She teases and I groan.

"No." I answer. "I'm going to go for drinks with Rachel. I'll see you later." I say, pecking her cheek and she grins, shouting out "Don't be late for your date!" Before I walk out the front door with a ghost of a smile playing on my face as I head to my car.

I eye the paint and sigh in content. When was the last time I drove this thing? With that in mind, I open the front door and slide inside. Instantly the smell of vanilla wafts up my nose and I smile as I put my key in the ignition and pull out of the driveway. Once at Starbucks, I park my car and head inside to find Rachel already sitting at a corner booth away from all the bustling people. As I walk towards her, I remember the last conversation I had with Courtney here and shake me head at that girl's ideas. I slide into the booth, opposite Rachel, making her look up from her phone with a smile as she switches it off and puts it away.

"So, how is Mrs Rosewood doing this fine day?" She asks me and I roll my eyes.

"Please." I groan.
"I've had enough of these jokes with my mom."

Rachel raises a curious eyebrow at me and I sigh. When I got home Friday night, the first thing my mother did was pummel me with questions about Alex. I began to tell her what happened, yes, explaining the kiss- vaguely of course- which then lead to her and I'm sad to say, I, squealing in excitement.

"I knew you two were going to get together." She gushed as she pulled back from our hug and sat on the couch where I took the place next to her. I had rolled my eyes. "He always looked at you too long to be just a friend." She said and I had blushed at her words.

"Did dad look at you like that?" I had blurted before shaking my head at my bluntness and telling her she didn't need to answer. She had given me a wistful smile as a dazed look had come over her face. "In the beginning, yes." Was her simple reply and I watched as she reminisced over the memories she had with my father before she was switched back into reality and was smiling at me agan.

She enveloped my hand in hers as she spoke gently. "How are you feeling about this though?"
I had thought long and hard about her question before answering.

"I'm really happy because I like Alex a lot but I'm also really..." I had pursed my lips, trying to find the right word.

"Scared?" My mom had filled in. I looked up at her and I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm scared."

She smiled knowingly. "You can't let that stop you." She had responded and I nodded.
"Don't let fear stop you from falling in love."

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