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Walking with a limp is a lot harder than expected. Not only that but you look completely abnormal walking with a little bounce on your one leg while the other drags behind you. Throughout the day I've thought- numerous times- how Alex could've underestimated my ankle's condition since it hurts like an absolute pain in the ass. However, when my mom checked it out she also said that it wasn't anything serious so I guess I have nothing to worry about. When my mom had seen me limping she had demanded to see why. I was hesitant at first due to the reason behind it but I eventually let her see it. She then rubbed muscle inflammation cream before asking me how I got it. And of course I lied like usual saying I tripped down the stairs only this time, my mom didn't seem too convinced and kept casting me sly, suspicious glances. She didn't say anything though.

"Did you do your chemistry homework?" Martin asks from beside me.

I let out an unattractive snort. "No,"

He laughs at my reaction but says nothing more. It's strange to see Martin without Nina. They're basically inseparable, both joined by the hip. He's basically her shadow, constantly following her around and showing his love. I'm really happy about that. They deserve to be together.

"Are you going to come with us to the Pool Playhouse on Friday?" He asks me as I pull my books out of my locker. Pool Playhouse was a small bar that loved to accommodate pool players. The Rebels had suggested going there a while ago but I'm not really feeling up to it.

"Nah. I got to start focusing on studying." I shrug. Martin's lips form an 'o' and he nods in understanding. I need to try and move on from all of this, all the drama and hurt. I need to. I hear a few girls snicker behind me and I turn to face them with a raised eyebrow.

"Sophie Cooper, right?" A red-head asks beside her blonde friend. She can't be older than seventeen. I narrow my eyes.

"Yes?" I ask, Martin intrigued now too. They start giggling again.

"What's it like being the slut of the school?" One of them asks and I scoff but before I can say anything, Martin pulls me back.
"It's not worth it, Sophie." He says and I nod, fully aware of that.

"With Alex and his best friend? Wow!" The other laughs and I sneer at them over my shoulder.

"C'mon, let's get to class." Martin tugs at my arm. I sigh but oblige nonetheless.

"Aww, come on Cooper. We're not being rude. Just honest."

I roll my eyes, these girls are really starting to get on my nerves now. I've being easily ticked off lately and these girls are pushing my buttons way too far right now.
I clench my jaw as they continue spitting out words that the human brain should not be able to process. They're following us to class now, having nothing better to do with their time.

"You're nothing now Sophie. Just a loser. You were so fake, anyway. Gosh, I don't blame the Elite for hating you. You're so selfish and ungrateful. I bet your dad didn't even love you." The red-head spits. The last part makes me halt in my tracks and tears spring to my eyes. It is just an insult, they are just spitting what comes to their mind first but what they don't know is how true those words are to a certain extent. If my dad did love me, he would have never left me like that; heartbroken and confused. These girls have hit a sore spot I didn't know existed. However, that's not what truly riles me up. The words they say thereafter are.

"I bet Alex doesn't either. I mean he's a manwhore anyway. Scum of the Earth; deadbeat." She laughs. "Just like his father."

I finally understand what people mean when they say that they're so angry that all they can see is red.

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