Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]

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"This is it. The vase of Shekinester." They come to a stop just outside of a medium sized glass display case with a vase inside. The vase looks like it's well over two thousand years old and has a large serpent with three human-like faces curved into it. Each of the heads have a different expression that represents a different aspect of the goddess. Beneath the curving is an ancient symbol that Jean doesn't recognize. "Would you like to get a closer look at it?"

Kirin starts to open up the door to the display case, but Jean stops her. "If this is what I think it is, then it'll be best not to touch it."

"What do you mean? Do you know what's doing this?"

Jean nods, "I think so. I believe this is a sacrificial vase and that a guardian naga may be protecting it. Anyone who handles the vase in an inappropriate way the naga kills."

Kirin's eyes widened, "So what do we do?"

"Nagas are intelligent creatures and most can be reasoned with as long as you don't show them any disrespect. Guardian nagas are assigned to guard some of the nastiest and destructive magical objects around. If I were you I would send it right back where it came from."

Kirin shakes her head, "This is a very important discovery! I can't just send it back! Can't you just kill the naga?"

"As far as I know, guardian nagas are immortal."

"Can you capture it and send it back to where it came from? This vase will make me famous."

"This vase could potentially destroy this entire museum; hell, maybe even this entire city; if handled wrong and the naga is ensuring that that doesn't happen. Do you really want me to send it away just to make your career?"


Jean makes a face of disgust, but quickly comes up with a plan inside of her head. "Fine, but I'll need to know the guards' schedule for tonight and the codes to the alarms."

Kirin tells Jean that the guards usually change shifts at 2 a.m, that they're actually having trouble with the security cameras right now; no doubt the work of the naga; and gives Jean the security codes to the doors and to the vase.

Outside of the museum, Jean tells Kirin, "Don't worry about a thing. I'll have everything taken care of by the time that the sun comes up." Kirin waves goodbye to Jean as she starts to walk away.

At ten minutes till two in the morning, Jean arrives back at the museum. She uses the security codes to enter through the back, carrying a box of modeling clay with her. She makes her way back to the display case, finds a shadowy area in which she can still see the vase, and makes herself comfortable. Thirty minutes later, she hears a door open then close followed by footsteps. Jean gets to her feet, making sure that she's still hidden by the shadows, and prepares herself. A security guard appears muttering under his breath about how disrespectful humans are and complaining about not being able to just snatch the vase back.

"Hey there, my scaly friend," Jean says and steps out of the shadows.

The guard jumps and accidentally shifts back into their true form of a twenty foot snake with forest green scales on their sides and back with larger golden scales covering their belly. They also have a golden colored cobra's hood and silver triangles running down their back. A fascinating fact about nagas is that they're hermaphrodites; they are born with both male and female genitalia and can reproduce by themselves. The naga's glowing yellow eyes lock onto Jean and they let out a warning hiss.

Jean raises her hands in the air in a sign of peace, "I'm not here to try to hurt you or your vase, I swear. My name is Jean Winchester," she gives them a small bow. "And I was hoping that we could talk."

Fallen Angel.  (A Supernatural Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon