Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]

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Jean looks at Gabriel in astonishment, ", what you're saying is that I'm meant to be the Devil's bitch?"

Gabriel nods his head, "You're meant to be his mate, yes." A look of confusion appears on his face, "What I don't understand is how Luci got his grace inside of you in the first place. Usually the ugear places a small amount of his grace inside his etam when she's born, but Lucifer has been locked away for a few millennia." Gabriel is now looking at Jean like she's an important mystery that he absolutely must solve. "So how did he manage to get his grace inside of you when he's trapped powerless inside of the cage?"

Jean shrugs, "I don't know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm meant to be Lucifer's etam."

"Did you ever find something or did anyone ever give you something with strange symbols on it?" Gabriel asks her, looking her in the eyes.

Jean shakes her head, "My dad would've torn me a new one if I had ever picked up anything like that without knowing what it was or what it did. And the only gifts I've ever received have been from my brothers, my dad, and Bobby Singer, but they would have known better than to give me anything strange like that. Why?"

Gabriel hums, thinking to himself, before answering her. "I was thinking that maybe his grace entered you through an object."

Jean remains quiet for a couple of minutes, thinking hard. Suddenly, a vague memory pops into her mind and she asks him, "Could it be any object? Even a doll?"

Gabriel looks at her curiously, "Yes. Why?"

"Mr. Grumpy," Jean says while walking towards the bed she was sleeping in before Gabriel showed up.

He raises an eyebrow, "I like to think of myself more as Dopey than Grumpy. Maybe even Bashful."

Jean stops and looks over her shoulder at the archangel, "If you were one of the seven dwarfs you would be named Tricky or Sweets...maybe even Pervy, because something tells me that you would be constantly trying to get into Snow White's pants."

"I wouldn't have to try, sweetheart, she wouldn't be able to resist me." He moves his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

Jean rolls her eyes, but chuckles a little before continuing to the bed. "I wasn't talking about you or the dwarf." She picks up her duffel from beside the bed, places it on top of the mattress, then begins to search through it. "Mr. Grumpy is the name of the angel doll that a man gave to me when I was four."

"Angel doll?" Gabriel asks, "What did the man look like?"

Jean shrugs slightly, "He looked like an average man...average height, brown hair, brown beard, kind blue eyes. There would be no way that I would be able to recognize him again."

Gabriel looks a little disappointed, but he expected as much. "Describe to me, as much as you can remember, what happened when the man gave you the doll."

She pauses for a moment trying to recall that day more clearly before telling him, "I don't remember very much. I remember that it was Dean and my fourth birthday and our parents took us to a toy store because we ended up spending the biggest part of the day at the doctor's office. I wandered away from my family and found a shelf of angel dolls. A man appeared and told me that I could have one. I picked up several dolls before choosing Mr. Grumpy."

Gabriel's curiosity peaked, "He let you choose? What other angels did you pick up?"

"I remember almost picking one that was wearing a little trench coat and looked like he had absolutely no idea what was going on. He was so adorable and reminded me of a lost puppy." Gabriel snaps his fingers making a chocolate bar appear in his hand. "Another one had six white wings and was holding something in his hand...a sword, I think. He also looked like he had a fairly large stick shoved up his ass." Gabriel coughs a little as he chokes on a piece of chocolate that tries to make its way down the wrong pipe from surprise when he hears Jean describe a doll that could only be his oldest brother, Michael. "And the last doll had six blue..." Jean suddenly stops in the middle of her sentence and turns around to face Gabriel, who has just taken another bite out of his candy bar. She looks at him in amazement and states, "The last doll looked exactly like you. It even had a little candy bar in it's hand."

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