Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]

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Lucifer stays by Jean's side for the next two weeks to ensure her safety. He thoroughly enjoys annoying Sam and Dean every chance that he gets: randomly appearing behind them, singing "Heat of the Moment" or "Stairway to Heaven" non-stop until Jean yells at him to stop, and making sexual innuendos about what Jean likes him to do to her in bed. The last being his favorite torture for the two brothers.

One day, Jean mentions that she is craving Chinese food, so Lucifer flies to China and brings back a bunch of food. He lays the food out on the coffee table in the motel room that the Winchesters are currently staying in. Jean immediately walks over to the coffee table, mouth watering, and picks up a carton of sweet and sour chicken, three egg rolls, and a pair of chopsticks. Lucifer looks over at Sam and Dean, "Since I brought back so much food, I guess you two can have whatever Jean doesn't eat." Dean and Sam's jaws clench in anger at the tone Lucifer uses; like they're dogs begging for scraps at his feet.

"Luci be nice," Jean reprimands the fallen archangel.

"I thought I was being nice. I brought them food when I didn't have to."

"And thank you for that, but you're speaking to them as if they're dogs." Jean opens her food, picks up the chopsticks, then starts to eat.

Lucifer smirks, "Well, if the shoe fits."

The brothers glare at Lucifer before picking up a carton of food each. As Sam goes to open his, he examines the box closely. "Wait...did you actually go to China for these?"

"Of course. It's the best place to get Chinese food," Lucifer tells Sam like he's speaking to a small child.

A huge downside of constantly traveling with Dean and Sam is that it makes it hard for Jean and Lucifer to have as many intimate moments as they would like, but they do have them. They find time for sex during Jean's morning showers before her brothers are awake or on the rare occasions that they're left alone in the motel rooms. On one such rare occasion, they were in the middle of sex when Sam and Dean walked in on them, getting the perfect view of Lucifer's ass. When Jean asks Lucifer about it later, he tells her it was purely an accident and that he didn't sense her brothers approaching. But, judging by the huge smile that's on his face, it definitely wasn't an accident. Lucifer even manages to tempt Jean into having sex in the bathroom of a couple of supermarkets, something she would normally be repulsed by.

Finally the day comes when Lucifer has to leave to attend an important meeting so he reluctantly leaves Jean in her brothers' care. Jean is incredibly sad when he has to go, but Dean and Sam are relieved to finally get some time away from the Devil.

Hours pass by and Jean is sitting next to Dean on the small couch in their latest motel room in Rockford, Tennessee. They're watching a cheap B movie on the Syfy channel, making snarky comments to each other about it and making each other laugh. Dean is eating chili cheese fries while Jean munches on Oreos dipped in mustard. Dean makes a face of disgust at what his sister is eating, "Gross, Jeanie."

"Babies get what babies want," Jean tells her twin. "As long as it's actually food. Last week I was craving dirt and chalk."

Sam looks up from his laptop at his older siblings just in time to see Jean dunk an Oreo in Dean's chili then pop it in her mouth. Sam makes a face of disgust and says, "Jean's pregnant with the Devil's babies. The cravings could be a whole lot worse, Dean."

The sound of fluttering wings alerts the siblings to the arrival of an angel and Lucifer appears beside Jean, sitting on the arm rest of the couch with his arms folded across his chest. Jean looks up at her ugear and laughs. "Speak of the Devil and he shall appear, Sammy."

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