Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]

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     "Hey, Dean!"  A ten year old Jean calls out walking into the cheap Texas motel room where the Winchesters are currently staying.  "I've got something really cool to show you!  Come here!"

     "I'm busy helping dad!  Like you're supposed to be doing too!  So you need to come here!"  Her twin shouts back to her from the bedroom.  

     She starts making her way through the combined living room and kitchen area to the bedroom area.  Her little six year old brother, Sam, is sitting at the small kitchen table eating a ham and cheese sandwich.  Jean stops to greet him, "Hiya, Sammy!"

     "Hiya, Jeanie.  What's that around your neck?"

     Resting around Jean's neck is a three foot long western diamondback rattlesnake.  It isn't hissing or rattling its tail, just laying calmly draped over her shoulders.  As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the flickering tongue one could accidentally mistake the snake as being dead or a fake.  "My new slithery friend."  The rattlesnake lifts its head then rests it on top of hers.  

     Sam's eyes widened, "Dad is going to blow his top, Jeanie."

     She just gives him a lopsided grin before continuing to the area with the two beds in it.  She walks in to see her brother sitting next to their dad on one of the beds.  John is showing Dean how to pack shotgun shells with rock salt.  Jean walks over to stand in front of her twin.  "Hello, Dean-o.  Hi, daddy.  I want you to meet my new friend.  His name is David Hisslehoff."

     Dean looks up just as the rattlesnake wraps its tail loosely around Jean's neck.  "Holy shit!" Dean screams, scrambling backwards on the bed away from Jean.

     John's head jerks up to look at what made Dean so afraid.   "Fuck!"  John shouts in surprise and to John it feels like he's about to have a heart attack.   The look of horror and fear on John's face is priceless as Hisslehoff rubs his head against Jean's cheek.  "How in the hell did you manage this, Jean!


     Sam, Jean, and Bobby decide to bury Dean's body in an unmarked grave in a small clearing in the woods near Pontiac, Illinois.  Bobby and Jean both want to burn Dean's body, but Sam insists that they bury it instead.  So the three of them make a crude coffin out of pine wood that Bobby buys from the closest lumberyard.  After drunkenly hitting her thumb with the hammer multiple times, Bobby orders Jean to start digging the grave while he and Sam finish the coffin.  

     Jean has been drinking ever since Dean's death.  While both Bobby and Sam have been drinking more than usual as well, it's nothing compared to Jean's drinking.  From the moment she wakes up, she has either had a bottle of whiskey in her hand or a bottle of beer.  Quite frankly, Bobby is scared that Jean's going to die of alcohol poisoning.

     After they cover the homemade coffin with the last of the dirt, Jean pulls out her cell phone and plays Led Zeppelin's 'Ramble On' with tears running down her cheeks.  Bobby hands the two remaining Winchester siblings each a bottle of beer before taking one for himself.  Jean and Bobby quickly gulp down their beers, but Sam only takes a couple of sips from his own bottle before pouring the rest out onto Dean's grave, as a sort of farewell to his brother.

     After the song ends, the three hunters walk back to their cars.  Bobby gets inside of his old, beat up Dodge Charger while Sam gets behind the wheel of the Impala.  Jean hesitates for a moment before climbing into the backseat of the Impala and lying down.  Within thirty minutes Jean passes out.

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