Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]

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     The trickster is sitting in his laz-E-boy chair and flipping through a copy of Weekly World News when someone knocks on the door to his small apartment.  He looks up in surprise and his dog, Skittles, let's out a small bark.

     He stands up out of the chair, his wings arching in curiosity behind him, and walks over to open the door.  When he does, he is surprised again when he sees the female Winchester standing there.  "Hiya!  Nice boxers," she says, motioning towards his red silk boxers.  "Can I come in?"

     "Sure," he steps to the side, allowing Jean to enter his apartment.  As she walks past him, he catches her scent; honeydew, rain, and vanilla; and his wings rise, stretch open, and the feathers fluff in a mating display.  He frowns slightly in confusion;  he doesn't understand why he feels the need to display for her.  Sure, she's very attractive, but he's been with many beautiful women and he's never displayed for any of them.  He forces his wings to relax as he shuts the door behind her then turns to face her, "I'm really glad to see you, sweetheart, but how'd you find me?"

     Skittles bounds over to Jean, his stumpy tail wagging happily.  She bends over to pet the energetic dog; giving him a perfect view of her rump.  The feathers on his wings ruffle in arousal, but he quickly shakes the feeling off.  "It's my job...I am a hunter, but you already knew that, didn't you?"  She then stands up and turns to face him, "Trickster."

     He raises an eyebrow at her statement and shrugs, "Okay, you caught me.  So what now?  Did you come here to kill me, sweetheart?"

     "No," she states, while taking a seat on his couch.  Skittles jumps up onto the couch and lays in her lap.  "I don't kill tricksters.  I find them necessary to keep the dicks from taking over the world."

     He grins at her in amusement, "I could eat.  Do you want anything?"

     "The chocolate cake that's smothered in chocolate icing looks absolutely delicious," she replies while scratching Skittles behind his ears.

     He reaches the kitchen table, which is covered with all kinds of sweets, and begins to cut her a slice of the chocolate cake.  "So if you're not here to stake me, why are you here?"  

     "To be completely honest with you...I'm not completely sure you are a trickster.  I mean, sure, the m.o. fits a trickster and, apparently, you have the sweet-tooth of a trickster, but one thing just isn't adding up...."

     He chuckles slightly, amused by this feisty female.  For the first time since he left Heaven and took on the guise of a trickster, someone may have figured out that he isn't what he claims to be.  "Oh?  And what would that be, sweetheart?"

     He places a slice of cake on a plate for Jean as she replies to his question, "Your wings."

     His head snaps up and all six of his wings flare open in surprise.  "You can see them?"

     Jean nods, "Yeah.  They're very beautiful.  But I don't understand why I can see them when my brothers can't?"

     He becomes very serious, "You told Sam and Dean about my wings?"

     Jean shakes her head, "No, I just asked them if they could see anything different about you and they said they couldn't.  After that, I didn't bring it up again."

     He cuts another piece of cake and places it on a different plate then he licks the frosting from his fingers.  "It doesn't surprise me that your dunderhead brothers can't see my wings."  He places a fork on both plates then picks the plates up and walks over to the couch.  He hands a plate to Jean, shooing Skittles off of her lap, and then sits down beside her with his own plate.  "As a matter of fact, 99.9 percent of humans can't see an angel's wings.  Unless the angel chooses to show them and even then the person only sees the shadows of the wings."

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