Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]

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     As it turns out, Jean was right about Bobby being pissed at her for bonding with Lucifer.  After she tells Bobby everything, he is extremely angry...angry enough to threaten to 'fill her idjit ass full of buckshot'.  Of course, Jean knows that he would never actually shoot her...but Lucifer does not.  She feels his grace stir dangerously inside of her when Bobby threatens her and she knows that she needs to get away from Bobby before Lucifer shows up to rip him limb from limb.  So she leaves the house, gets into her Mustang, and drives away.  Sure enough, a few moments later, Lucifer appears in the passenger seat.

     It takes Jean a couple of minutes to reassure her ugear that she is completely fine and that Bobby wouldn't ever actually hurt her.  Once his anger subsides, Lucifer starts to explore the inside of the car in curiosity; opening the glove compartment and removing the stuff inside, fiddling with the radio and air conditioner, removing the unused ashtray, and playing with the cigarette lighter.  When he becomes bored of exploring, he starts to complain like a five year old; "It's cramped in here."  "Where are we going?"  "This is taking forever."  "Are we there yet?"  It is at this point that Jean is seriously considering wrapping both of her hands around the devil's throat in a useless attempt to strangle him.

     That was a little over a week ago.  Currently, Jean is staying at a cheap motel a few hours away from Sioux Falls.  During the days, she spends her time looking for cases or reading smut online.  Lucifer will always appear right as the sun sets and spends the nights with her.  Sometimes they will have wild, passionate sex, while other times they will just snuggle together on the bed and talk until Jean falls asleep.

     Jean steps out of the shower and walks over to the small mirror that's hanging on the wall above the bathroom's dirty sink.  She runs her right hand over the surface of the mirror, wiping away the condensation created by her hot shower.  Jean examines her appearance in the mirror, running a hand through her wet red hair and wondering if she should have it cut again.  Her eyes travel down to her slightly swollen breasts and she gently touches them causing her to slightly gasp at how tender they are.

     She walks out of the bathroom and over to the single queen sized bed that resides in the room.  She picks up her duffel bag from the floor beside the bed, opens it, and pulls out a clean pair of pants, underwear, and a white tank top.   Jean puts on the panties followed by the pair of pants.  She starts to put on a red lace bra, but quickly decides to forego the article of clothing due to how sensitive her breasts are.  So she just puts on the tank top instead, throwing the bra back into her bag. 

     'A Wonderful Day For Pie' begins to play from Jean's cell phone and she quickly answers it.  "Hi, Dean.  What's up?"

     "Sam just received a text from Chuck telling us to get to Vermilion, Ohio.  That it's a life or death situation.  I was wondering if you wanted to meet us there?"

     "Really?!"  Jean exclaims, excited that her brothers are still willing to hunt with her.  Or at least Dean is.  She figured that after finding out about her and Lucifer they would never want to see or speak to her again.  Boy, she has never been so glad to have been wrong before.  "I'm on my way."

     "Okay.  See you soon, Jeanie." Dean says before hanging up.

     Jean puts her phone in the pocket of her pants then sits down on the bed to put on her socks and combat boots.  After she's done, she stands up and rummages through her bag again.  She finally pulls out a dark green and bright yellow flannel button-up shirt.  A couple of Milky Ways fall out of the shirt and onto the bed.  Jean makes a sound of delight and picks the candy bars up.  She shoves one back into the bag and opens the wrapper of the other.  She takes a large bite before putting on the flannel shirt.  She rolls the sleeves up to her elbows, but leaves the shirt unbuttoned.  Jean then picks up her bag and leaves the small motel room, still munching on the candy bar.

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