Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]

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A few months pass by and Jean is now sitting at a small table inside a café in Dothan, Alabama. She takes a sip of her coffee and clicks on yet another website on her laptop. A news article from Ohio pops up and she quickly reads through it.

'Mmm. Four people were attacked by a supposed animal in the past two days. If they're missing their hearts that means it could be a werewolf, maybe even two. Looks like I'm going Big Bad Wolf hunting in Marysville, Ohio.' She thinks to herself, closing her laptop before fully focusing on her cheeseburger and coffee. She finishes both, places some money on the table then gathers up her belongings and leaves the café.

She climbs into her Mustang and starts the car. "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf plays through the car's speakers and Jean subconsciously revs the engine. "All right!"

It's three in the morning of the next day when Jean pulls into the parking lot of a cheap motel near the outskirts of Marysville. She pays for a room, takes the key, and then takes her duffel bag from the backseat of her car. Once inside the room, she puts her bag down, pulls her leather coat off, and takes her phone out of the right pocket. She drops her coat on top of her bag before walking over to the bedside table and placing her phone down on top of it. She then kicks off her combat boots and collapses on the bed. After having driven a little over twelve hours straight, she is exhausted and almost immediately falls asleep.

A loud ringing wakes Jean up from her deep sleep and she reaches blindly for her phone on the bedside table. She picks it up, flips it open then turns off the alarm that was set to go off at noon. She notices that she has one new voicemail, but decides it can wait until later.

She yawns while rolling off of the bed. There is a loud thud followed closely by an "Ow!" Jean picks herself up off the floor and makes her way to her leather coat. She picks it up and reaches inside of the left pocket. She pulls out a butterscotch hard candy before tossing the coat on the bed. She unwraps the piece of candy and then pops it into her mouth before picking up her bag and heading to the bathroom to shower.

After she gets out of the shower, she puts on her FBI outfit which consists of black slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a black blazer. She then grabs her fake FBI credentials and leaves the motel room.

Talking to the victims' families, friends, and neighbors goes just as she expected it to. The family members of each of the victims say the same thing: that the victim was practically a saint and didn't have any enemies. It isn't until she speaks with the victims' friends and neighbors that she learns the truth. As it turns out, all of the victims got into a heated argument with either John or Ellie Winston before they died. She also learns from one of the gossip-loving neighbors of the last victim that she saw a man named Thomas Sinclair get into an argument with John Winston in front of the nearby grocery store earlier today.

After she's done talking with the neighbor that loves gossip (who tries to pry any information out of Jean but doesn't succeed past Jean's false name of Martha Flokker and her fake reason for being here), Jean drives to the morgue where the bodies are being kept and tells the pathologist, a gray-haired woman in her mid to late 60's, that she needs to see the bodies. The woman looks at Jean suspiciously but takes her to see the bodies anyway. She carefully examines each corpse and finds that all of their hearts have been ripped out of their chests. The female hunter is now positive that she is dealing with at least one werewolf. She thanks the doctor and then leaves the morgue driving towards a liquor store that she passed by earlier. She returns to her motel room shortly after leaving the morgue with a bottle of whiskey and a different duffle bag, only this one isn't filled with clothes, but with weapons from the hidden compartment of her car. She sits the bag down on the bed and then puts the liquor away in the mini-fridge. She then changes out of her FBI outfit and into her regular hunting clothes: jeans, her usual black combat boots, a yellow camisole, and a green and black flannel shirt.

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