Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]

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     Three months have passed since the trickster case in Ohio and, after saving Dean from a djinn, Jean decides to ride in the Impala with her brothers, since the two can't seem to stay out of trouble without her.

     Currently, Dean is driving with Sam sitting shotgun and Jean in the backseat.  Jean let's out a loud yawn then asks her older twin, "Do you mind turning the music down?  I'm gonna try to get some sleep."

     Dean mutters something under his breath, but does as she asked and turns down the volume.  Jean playfully smacks Dean on the back of his head because, even though she may not have heard what he said, she's 95 percent sure it was a smart-ass comment.  After all, that is her twin brother's specialty.

     Yawning once again, Jean lays down in the backseat and curls up on her side, making sure her feet are hanging off of the edge of the seat; the last thing she wants to hear when she wakes up is Dean griping at her about having her feet on the seat.  She mumbles a quick "Goodnight," to her brothers before nodding off to sleep.


     Jean is having the dream again.  Or at least she thinks it's the same dream...The surroundings are the same: darkness so thick surrounding her it almost feels like it's trying to suffocate her and the heat is beyond scorching.  Jean knows that somewhere within the darkness the man with crimson eyes is waiting for her.  She  sees something moving in the darkness, but it doesn't appear to be the's much too large to be him.  Not to mention it doesn't appear to have a human shape: it's unbelievably tall and slender with six huge shapes behind it.  A quiet "huh," slips out of her mouth and the creature's head instantly snaps around to look at her.  Large crimson eyes meet her emerald ones and Jean knows that, somehow, this creature is the strange man.   There's an ear-piercing high-pitched screeching sound and the massive form rushes towards her.


     Jean is suddenly shaken violently awake, "What?"  She mumbles, "What the hell do you want?  I'm tryin' to sleep."  Jean rolls over to try to go back to sleep.

     "Sammy's gone!  Wake up, Jean!  Sam's gone!"  Dean shouts.

    "What do you mean Sam's gone?  How do you lose somebody in a moving vehicle, Dean?" She asks, her mind still groggy from sleep, and she reluctantly sits up, but both of her eyes are still closed.  She opens them and blinks owlishly at her twin brother, who is leaning into the car from the open back passenger side door.

     "Because we're no longer moving, we've stopped at a small diner.  Sammy went inside to get us something to eat, but now he's gone."

     Jean is now fully awake as worry for her little brother consumes her.  She climbs out of the back of the Impala, shuts the door behind her, and follows Dean into the Sunnyside Diner.  When they enter the diner the first thing the twin Winchesters notice is a dead man at a table with his face laying in a pool of his own blood.  Both Dean and Jean pull their guns out from the waistbands of their pants before cautiously proceeding farther into the diner.

     "Sam?"  Dean calls out while Jean inspects the dead man.

     Jean looks at Dean, "His throat's been cut."

     Dean walks past her and looks behind the counter, where he sees two more dead bodies.  "Yeah, same over here."  He opens the back door of the restaurant and looks around outside.  "Sam?"  As he starts to close the door, his hand runs across some yellow powder.  He looks at his hand then at his sister, "Sulfur."

     The siblings quickly leave the diner and begin calling out for their little brother.  "Sam?  Sam!  Sammy!"

     Dean turns to Jean, "What do we do?  Why did demons take Sam?"

Fallen Angel.  (A Supernatural Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن