Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

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Lucifer tilts his head to the side slightly and crosses his arms over his chest, "Hmm, no."

Sam and Dean are shocked, "What do you mean no?

Lucifer stares at Sam, "As in I won't take you as my vessel."

Sam looks at him in disbelief, "Why?"

"Because I promised Jean that I wouldn't." Jean is looking at her brothers with a large smile and an I-told- you-so expression on her face. Lucifer points at Sam, "But I will take those rings that are in your pocket."

Sam's entire body becomes tense, "I don't know what you're..."

Lucifer interrupts Sam, "I've never lied to you Sam, the least you can do is give me the same courtesy. I know that you have the Horseman's rings, and that you planned on jumping into the cage if you had managed to win our mental wrestling match. Which you wouldn't have won by the way."

Sam's jaw clenches, "I'm not giving you the rings."

Lucifer shrugs, "That's fine with me. If you want the world to end when I fight Michael then keep the rings."

Jean clears her throat to get their attention, "Actually, you really might want to give Luci the rings, Sam."

Sam throws up his hands in anger, "What a surprise!  Jean is taking Lucifer's side! Dean and I are your family! We're your brothers...your blood...not him!"

Jean can feel her anger rising and her irises start to glow crimson. She takes a deep breath in order to calm down. "I'm going to ignore your attitude since you're high on demon blood right now. As I was saying, you'll be better off giving Lucifer the rings since Michael will now be looking for them."

All three males look at Jean in confusion. "I beg your pardon? Why would my brother be looking for the Horseman's rings?" Lucifer narrows his eyes at her.

She gives her husband her best innocent look, "I may have spoken with Michael in a dream and made a bet with him that you wouldn't take over Sam's body, even if Sam said yes to you."

"After I explicitly told you not to?!"

Jean releases a heavy breath from her nose, "I had to. I couldn't just sit around and not do anything to try and save the lives of as many members of my family that I can. And I've done that since I just won the bet. Michael is going to try and shove you back into the cage instead of trying to kill you. Which means, he's going to need the rings."

Dean groans in exasperation, "And that means the god squad is going to be looking for them and will soon discover that we have them. They'll be up our asses yet again!"

"Possibly. Unless you give Lucifer the rings."

Sam shakes his head, "Absolutely not! We're going to keep the rings as insurance that the cage will be there for sure when the fight goes down. You just tell us when and where and we'll be there."

Lucifer glances over at Jean and she gives him her best puppy dog eyes. He sighs, "It will be after our children are born. And, knowing my brother, will most likely take place in Lawrence, Kansas. Since Dad wrote that it all has to end where it started."

"When will that be?" Dean asks Jean.

"I'm due in five weeks."

Dean runs his right hand over his face, "That's not a whole lot of time left."

"It's more than a month than you would have had." Lucifer walks closer to Jean then helps her to stand. "I'm taking my wife home now so that she can rest. You can keep the rings and you can be there when Michael and I fight. But I'm warning you right now, if either of you try to push me into the cage...I will drag you down into Hell with me and not even Jean will be able to save you from the full extent of my wrath." He then places his hand on the small of Jean's back and the two vanish with the sound of fluttering wings.

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