Chapter 27 | Project Our Gay Best Friend

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She tilted her head to the said her cheeks bulging out and I could only assume that her tongue was pressed against her mouth. "Fine, I could call him, maybe he could explain it to you."

Before I could stop her and tell her that I didn't need Jordan explaining it to me, she picked her phone and called Jordan.

It's ringing. She mouthed.

I waved my hand frantically around the air and whispered her to drop the phone.

"Hey Jordan," she greeted loudly with a huge smile on her face.

There was nothing I could do anymore. I repeatedly banged my head against the table as she told him that I not her but I wanted to know what went down in his bedroom.

She hung up the phone and patted my head which I kept on banging against the table. "It's okay. He is coming over to explain it in more detail,"

I lazily lifted my head; strands of brown hair were all over my face. "I hate you."

"I love you too. You are my best best friend."

"I am your only best friend," I said.

"No, you are not my only best friend. Jordan is my best gay friend, my BGF,"

I slowly looked at her before bubbles of laughter surrounded her room. "Oh wow, Sophia. I sometime wonder if your parents dropped you when you were a child"

Her laughter came into an abrupt stop. "They did."

My eyes grew wide at what she had said. "I-I am so sorry, I didn't me-"

She began to laugh interrupting me from my apology. "I-I am so sorry," she was mocking me.

"Why would my parents drop me as a child?"

I scowled as I crossed my arms above my chest and said - "It would explain a lot."

She held her two middle fingers in the air and waved it across my face. "Two middle fingers for the haters."

I slapped her fingers away from my face but that didn't stop her from continuing what she was doing. "Sophia, I busted a guy's knee and I an not afraid to break your noddle fingers,"

She quickly dropped her fingers away from my face and cradled her fingers to her chest. "No need to threaten my fingers. What's up with you threatening everyone?"

I smirked as I stood up and walked towards the door. "I wasn't threatening you, I was simply making a promise. There is a difference little Sophia The First."

"I hate that show," she groaned as she followed me downstairs.

To the contrary I actually loved the show. "Don't judge Sophia The First. That is the best cartoon ever made."

She walked over to her fridge and grabbed two bottles of water she threw the other one in the air where I caught it.

"You caught it!" Sophia cheered.

The front door opened. "Hey, I am coming in," Jordan informed us. "The front door was open."


"I am so tired and my whole body hurts," Jordan groaned as he laid across Sophia's bed with his hand rubbing his stomach.

Thirty minutes later in we were all worn out and hungry. Jordan managed to convince us to do this work out with him. Claiming he could not work out alone.

We were all too lazy that none of us wanted to make the other a sandwich.

We all managed to fit onto Sophia's bed with Jordan taking most of the space. He had broad shoulders and long legs, his legs dangled off the bed.

"Someone needs to get up to make everyone a sandwich," I said when my stomach made a noise.

"Damn, Alex, What's in there?" Jordan chuckled as he patted my stomach. My checks burnt in embarrassment.

"We could play rock paper scissors and the person who wins gets to make the food," Sophia suggested.

"Why the person who wins, isn't it the person who loses that gets to make the food?" Jordan asked as he turned to look at Sophia

"She always loses in rock paper scissors." I explained.

"So are we going to play? The person who wins gets to make the food,"

Jordan and I replied in unison. "No." We were not about to change the rules of the game in her favor.

"You guys are no fun." I did not need to see her to know that she was pouting her lips.

Silence wedges between all three of us that the sound of our breathing could be heard.

"Alex, so you want to know?"

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion at Jordan's question. "Know what?" I asked

He chuckled. "About my almost first sex experience with a guy."

"No!" I yelled, briskly standing up. "I am making the food!" I yelled as I left the room and made my way downstairs.

I did not need to have that conversation...

Project 1000 School Virgin || CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon