Not even halfway through the movie, Sadie had gotten a call.

"It's Phil." She said, a smile forming on her lips.

"He gave you his number?" I asked.

"Yeah, so here, let me take this." She said getting up and walking into her room. I sat on the couch listening to the ongoing conversation she was having with Phil.

The doorbell rang.

"Ugh. I'll get it!" I yelled. I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing a red-eyed, panting Dan.

"What do you want?" I asked him. He looked at me with his full of sorrow and regret but his face was blank, until his gaze met mine. Then his face lit up.

"I ran all the way over here. I want you to come with me." He asked of me.

"What? No. Why?" I said.

"I-I, just trust me. Please come." He pleaded. He really looked urgent, so I decided to do it.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I said defeated, even though I loved him, but he didn't love me back, he was still my bestfriend. I went into my room and put my shoes back on and grabbed my phone.

Dan grabbed me by the hand and the feeling still gave me butterflies. He led me out of the building and down the pavement. We ended up at a subdivision and I was absolutely confused. I looked up at Dan, a confused expression on my face. He just kept walking. We stopped in front of a house. It was pretty, it wore a beautiful blue color, and was accessorized by blue, purple, and white flowers and a couple bushes next to the pavement.

"What are we doing?" I asked Dan. He looked down at me smiling.

"Remember when we played 20 questions and you said that one of your favorite things to do as a kid was play ding, dong, ditch?" He asked. Then I understood.

"No, we can't, we'll get the cops called on us." I protested.

"Come on Ari, just one or two houses. You know you want to." I smiled at the newest nickname he had given me.

"Only one." I told him. He smiled brightly. But, I couldn't give up the chance to do some things I did as a kid.

"Okay, we'll go up and you ring the doorbell, and we'll run back and hide behind these bushes." Dan said, pointing at various things. I nodded and agreed with his plan.

We walked up to the door and I counted to three.

"One, two... three!" I said ringing the doorbell and grabbing his hand and running back to the bushes. The light turned on and the door opened. A man said, "Mark, is that you? Do you have the stuff." Dan had to hold his hand over my mouth to keep me from laughing. The man finally went inside and we supposed he went to bed.

"The stuff?!" Dan said, letting out a laugh and I began to laugh with him.

"One more time." I said to Dan.

"I knew you'd want to do it again." He told me.

We did the same drill, picked a house, found a place to hide, and all we have to do now is ring the doorbell.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." I told him. He pressed the door bell and we ran.

"I love you, too." I heard him say. I stopped running and stood there.

"What?" I asked him, not truly believing what he had just said.

He turned around and looked me in the eyes, "I love you, too. I love you so much." He said again, and my eyes flickered to his lips.

bad luck // dan howellWhere stories live. Discover now