Thirty-Seven: Cavalcade

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Suddenly the door to the bus swooshed open and out stepped Liz. From behind her, everyone could hear the sounds of children, some crying and others babbling incoherently.

"Everything ready?" Nora asked as she hurriedly approached the bus.

"Yes," Liz nodded looking nervous.

Turning to Harley and the guys, Nora spoke, "Our best bet is to take all the vehicles, otherwise they'll follow us and we'll be dragged back here"

"I don't think any of us know how to drive a tank," Edvin confessed. It was a painful reminder that they had already lost anyone who might've had experience with driving military vehicles.

Nora smirked, "The tank is mine. I'll be driving her"

"You're army?" Edvin questioned in surprise.

"Major Nora Patterson of the British Royal Tank Regiment, First Armoured Infantry Brigade," she announced as she dug into her pockets, pulling from them several sets of keys.

"Now," Nora continued as she handed a set of keys each to Edvin, Taylor and John, "I'm going to lead the way and Liz is going to follow right behind me in the bus. The rest of you will follow behind Liz and once we're out I don't care where you go, just go far, as far as you can away from here. Don't ditch the vehicles anywhere close by because the men will be out looking for them and we need a head start if we're gonna stand any kind of chance"

Harley just barely heard what Nora was saying as she had already slipped through everyone and made her way to the bus, thinking only of Rebel. She walked directly up to Liz, "Do you have my dog?"

"Oh, he's yours. . Come with me," Liz said and led Harley up into the bus.

As they entered, Harley was met with the faces of two other women and only four young children.

"Where's the rest of them?" She asked, knowing that there were ten wives and fourteen children within the compound.

"They were too afraid to leave. Afraid of what would happen if they got caught," Liz explained as she padded down the aisle.

Reaching down into one of the seats, Liz straightened up with a little bundle of puppy in her arms. Harley sighed and walked hurriedly over to Liz, grabbing Rebel from her arms, "Thanks," she said.

Rebel whimpered and squirmed with excitement at the sight of Harley and took to licking and nipping at her chin. Harley smiled but lifted her head in a fruitless attempt to avoid being mauled by wet puppy kisses. Both were overjoyed to have found each other.

Liz leaned in, speaking quietly, "Go, before the kids realize you're taking him"

Cradling Rebel in her arms, Harley turned and padded quickly down the aisle, exiting the bus.

As she made her way back to the group, Harley heard Taylor ask Nora where they were planning to go.

Harley answered for Nora, "I told her to go to Wuddina"

"Is it a good place?" Nora questioned.

Edvin nodded, "It's a good place, and they'll take you in. Just mention our names: Edvin, Taylor, John or Harley"

Nora looked around at the guys and Harley, "Will you be heading back there?"

"Hopefully," Taylor answered.

"Well, I hope to see you all again. Good luck," Nora said.

"You too," Edvin agreed.

Nora nodded, "Let's move out," she announced.

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