Emotional, Selena felt tears of joy coming through her eyes, and she immediately hugged her boyfriend. Never had anyone done something like that for her. She was deeply touched, and if it was possible, even more, enamored of Justin.

Noticing his infatuated look, she took conscience of the true colors of his feelings and gladly returned the promises.


I was appalled and completely shocked after hearing Taylor's confessions. I couldn't believe something this horrifying actually happened to someone. Nevertheless, using violence to deal with it was certainly not a considerable option, and that's why I will never forgive Zachary Efron.

To my dismay, there was no clue about his exact location, but at least, Nick could fully investigate on Jill Yellow now. I also wish Selena would locate the criminal as soon as possible, but knowing her well, she was surely living an intense love story with her security agent. Almost face-palming, I felt the hotel's restaurant and decided to take some fresh air.

I had a few things to think over and the cold night always brought me smart and illuminated advice. This time, I needed to rethink my relationship with Joe. I thought about him most of the day, so much that it hurt, and I was still infuriated with him. Maybe my mind tricked me, but I was convinced that he sometimes led me on. Typical dude behavior, what's new about that?

I sighed heavily and stepped out of the hotel, inhaling a gust of fresh air with relief. Morose, I slid down the walk to rest my mind and my body for a few minutes, not feeling quite well. We could almost qualify me as lovesick because that's probably how I felt. Suddenly, I heard faint voices coming from the parking lot, and I recognized it immediately. The lovely couple, who else? Growing curious, I didn't move and eavesdropped sneakily.

"Thank you so much, Taylor. I spent an incredible afternoon at your house. Thanks for the supper, too, but you really didn't have to. I hope we'll see each other soon before I fly back to New York. Vacations always pass too quickly, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes, bothered, and mimicked Joe's overly polite voice in my head with exasperation. He didn't need to act all charming to fool women; it was plain as day that he was a player.  He should even tattoo the word 'danger' on his forehead, I missed annoyingly. Jealousy, again with this ugly feeling burning inside of my chest.

"Absolutely, Joe. Thank you also for simply listening to my sob story. You're a good friend. Good night."

A good friend, really? I thought sarcastically in my head. Two good friends don't go out on dates two days in a row. I stood still for a few minutes, wondering if they both disappeared since I didn't hear any noise, I slowly peaked at the entree of the hotel. And there was no trace of them. Relived, I stepped out of the shadow, but a hand suddenly gripped on my shoulder, making me scream in fear.

"Hey, don't yell, it's just me," hushed the man who broke my heart with a serious expression. "Don't be mad, it wasn't my intention to scare you."

"Of course it wasn't, Joe!" I snapped, moody. "Nothing seems to go in your way these days, don't you think?"

Yes, my tone was bitter, but somehow, I just wanted to hurt him and pick a fight. It might ease the pain I was feeling.

"Don't be difficult, Demi!" groaned Joe before leering pleadingly at me. "It has been a laborious day to forget, and the last thing I want is to argue with you."

"Fine!" I screamed, not helping it. "If you don't want to fight with me, just leave me alone instead of appearing out of nowhere! Hey, why don't you go back to your toy? She must be impatiently waiting for you this night."

Maybe I was acting very irrationally and very stubbornly, but it's in my blood. Seeing the flame in Joe's eyes, I understood that I took it too far. However, I will never let go of my pride and apologize to him. Perhaps it was a selfish thought, but I simply wanted to hate on that Taylor.

"You know what? It's not even worth it to try to discuss with you; you're impossible!" Joe roared, disappointed. "Do what enchants you, think what you want to think, and freeze in the breezy night for all I care! I just wanted to nicely save our relationship, and solve some... yesterday's issues, but I see that you don't want to cooperate. Stop acting immature, Demi! You're a grown-up woman, so prove it for once!"

Stunned and secretly ashamed of the lecture I rightfully deserved, I turned around and cowardly and was about to run off, but Joe grabbed me by my waist. There was more than one ounce of truth in his words, and I didn't want to think about it anymore. When I lastly stopped debating and looked up at him, his eyes were sincerely apologetic.

"I didn't mean it," he whispered regretfully. "I do care about you."

Lies, lies, lies. Again. I didn't want to fall into his trap, so I shook my head violently. "Stop, Joe. Go away! I don't believe you anymore! You think that I'm not worth it."

He still held me during the cold night and stared at me like I was something precious, important to him. I was frozen, and I didn't know what to do. He didn't care about me! The proof was what happened yesterday, right? He doesn't want me, my mind repeated. I looked into his hazel eyes and almost cried. He looked so damn handsome and perfect that it made my heart beat like a drum.

"I made an error yesterday," he calmly revealed, his face so close to mine that I thought I'd faint. "I was an idiot to reject your advances, and I feel terrible. Demi... I-"

He stopped talking and nervously looked around like he was searching his words carefully and desperately. My heart was still doing 100m jumps, and I felt like there was a salsa dance happening in my stomach.

"I don't want Taylor," he finally said while looking at me. "I want you."

I don't know what happened afterward, but next thing I knew, I was pressed against the hotel's wall and kissed furiously. It was like we were both starving for each other, and I just couldn't think. I could only feel.

"Give me another chance," he pleaded between two of our heated kisses. "I'd never deceive you."

I didn't know if I could resist him, but I had to

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I didn't know if I could resist him, but I had to.

I didn't want to be played with.

I didn't know if he meant it.

I wanted him to prove it to me.

"No..." I whispered, ending the kisses almost as fast as it started.

He looked at me, incredulous, and looked like he was about to shed a tear. "No?" He repeated, almost not believing it.

"No!" I yelled crazily before running towards the quiet streets as light rain started to fall.

He just stood there, heart-broken also.


Nancy xox

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