Chapter 14: The Interviews

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They did this on purpose. They knew all about the rebellion. They knew about the uprising, They knew before we did. I look into Rhett's green eyes, my own anxiety and worry reflected in his eyes. But... how? We stare at each like this for a long time as Darrien blabbers on and on. Finally, I break our gaze and look up at the stage. I'll have to figure this out myself. 

After what seems like ages of talking, the tributes from District 1, Crash and Shane, walk up to the stage in elegant clothes. Or, until the sleeves. Crash is dressed in a casual tuxedo, something that somebody in America would wear. People in the Districts also wear this frequently, but not so much as they did hundreds of years ago. It's black, white, and with a red tie. His hair is slicked back and his hands are linked behind his back, making him look like a businessman. A very well dressed business man. At least, every part of him except his arms. The sleeves have been violently torn off at the shoulders, revealing his bare arms. The sleeves end right at his shoulder, jagged and torn. He looks extremely calm, walking proffesionally, but his massive muscles ripple with magnitude as he strides onto the stage, crushing everybody and anybody who takes a glimpse. And Shane, oh Shane, looks absolutely drop-dead heart-stopping ground-shaking beautiful. She is dressed in a long, red dress that sparkles with red and black jewels, reflecting red and black sparkles across the floor. The dress drags across the ground, the crystals bouncing around. Her sleeves follow her arms until her wrists. Her brown hair falls down the dress in waves, and her blue eyes look striking in contrast to her dress. She holds her hands down in front of her, held together. They walk proffesionally onto the stage and each sit in one of the two plush, gigantic, lavendar chairs that have been set up accross from Darrien's midnight-blue chair. Darrien takes a seat and begins the clock that signals their time. He wastes no time and begins talking immediately.

"Welcome, Shane and Crash, tributes from District One!" The crowd goes into an uproar, cheering and clapping and booing. Crash and Shane both sit there, smiling. Finally, the crowd plummets to silence.

"So, Crash, we're doing things a little different tonight. How are you finding that?" Darrien questions him.

"You know," he starts. "Whatever. I'm here just for winning, and that's it. I could care less for whoever wants to celebrate this and make a big fuss over celebrating and what not. I just want to go into these Games, kill when it's time, then go him."

"Well," starts Darrien. "You've sure got your strategy down. How about you, Shane?"

"Well," says Shane, her dress getting admirers from all of Panem. "I plan to stick with my allies until it comes down to us, and then do whatever it takes to win."

"Well, bravo for the two of you for thinking ahead. Now, Shane, I just want to say what a lovely dress you're wearing."

"Thank you," says Shane flawlessly. These Careers have trained their entire lives for this moment, their moment to shine, and all that training pays off. They don't stammer the slightest bit when they speak. "It's just absolutely gorgeus, isn't it?" She spins and red and black sparkles fly all around her, turning her into a devil fairy. They go on and on talking and talking until the buzzer sounds and they leave. As Districts 2 and 3 go on up, I see everybody is playing at an angle. Crash  went for the do-whatever-it-takes-to-win-don't-care-about-anything-else angle. Shane went for the sexy diva angle, which undoubtedly will bring her sponsors. The boy from 2, Sky, tries to be comical, cracking jokes that send even me into stiches laughing. His partner tries to be mysterious, not giving away information away about herself, trying to turn the attention away and never giving a serious answer. The Lovebirds finally stride up, and my ears seem to turn back on as I listen intently. They are dressed in the same thing they wore in the chariot ride: their wedding clothes. Now that I know they're married, I understand just why they wore these clothes in the opening ceremonies. And why they're wearing them here.

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