xxvi// text&real life

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"i'm gonna fucking beat his ass."

charlie storms over to us, picking me up and hugging me close to his body. "w-why are you here? you should be in london." i whisper as tears fall onto his chest. brooklyn stays where she was, not moving- but smiling. "brook told me what happened. i couldn't just let my little sister be all alone and heartbroken by some asshole who doesn't deserve her." he smiles as he pulls away from the hug before grabbing his keys. i shoot him a confused look before following him out of the building. "um where are you going?" i ask as he walks towards the car and unlocking it before getting in the driver seat. "going to this assholes house to punch his face in." charlie smiles and starts up the car. i quickly text zach to warn him and get in the passenger seat.

rose 🌹
my brother and i are on our way to your's. he  wants to bash jacks face in. tell the boys to watch out.

um okay...

rose 🌹
sorry about all this drama... i know it must be really hard for you guys...

nah it's okay. just kinda weird hearing from you after a while. the boys and i are 100% on your side, what j said wasn't cool at all

rose 🌹

we're about five minutes away, be ready to open the door

jack just left, i think he went to get some snacks or something. brielle is coming over later so

rose 🌹
i'm gonna guess brielle is the mystery girl jack said was prettier and skinnier than me?


rose 🌹
we're here, open the door zachary :)

i walk into the house, immediately being tackled by hugs. the boys had all toppled on top of me and had attacked me with "i missed you." 's and "i love you."'s. "guys, get the hell off of me. my brothers here." i groan as they all look up at charlie before getting off of me and shaking charlie's hand. "so uh jack should be here pretty soon if you want to wait by the door, charlie." corbyn says as he gets a text, most likely from jack. we all quickly form a band before getting into positions as we hear a car door slam.

 ˚* ੈ✩‧₊  𝒍𝒂 𝒗𝒊𝒆 𝒆𝒏 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆 ⋆𝒇𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now