Third Date / Truth booth

Start from the beginning

Lauren: What do you mean?

Camila: Nothing we should just..

Lauren: Please don't shut me out

Camila: I just don't know. I am so confused

Lauren: About what?

Camila: Me, Us

Lauren: What about us?

Camila: What if this connection we have isn't just a friendship thing. What if it's more?

Lauren: I don't understand what you're trying to say

Camila: Lauren, I think I might have feelings for you


Lauren: CAMILA CAMILA! Wake up sleepy head

Lauren was shaking Camila abruptly.

Camila: Oh shit, it was all a dream

Lauren: It must have been a good one because I couldn't wake you up

Camila: It was, I think

Lauren: Are we okay?

Camila: Why wouldn't we?

Lauren: Just after last night we didn't talk or I didn't even see you

Camila: I was just upset about what Nick had said, I needed time for myself. You know I support you Lo, Always.

Lauren: I was afraid you gave up on me

Camila: I would never

The two girls embraced in a hug, staring into each other's eyes. The connection was there, would they ever realize that they were meant to be more than friends?

Mac, Bella, Ariana and Harry were heading outside to go on their date. Did we have a perfect match amongst this two couples? We'll find out soon.

Mac: Thank you for inviting me

Bella: No problem you seem like a pretty chill dude

Ariana: This seems like a double date

Bella: Because it is

Harry: I like it, it'll be less awkward if anything

Ariana: I guess

The four sat in silence, Mac kept looking over to Ariana as she tried to avoid eye contact with him.

Ariana: Can I ask why you chose me if you know I have a thing for Shawn?

Harry: I mean, how are you so sure if you haven't even tried talking to any of the other guys?

Ariana: I like what I have with him

Mac: Maybe you can find something better

Ariana: I don't think so

Mac: You never know unless you try

Ariana: Can you focus on your date?

Bella: Damn, he's just saying his opinions but okay

They finally arrive to their destination were a helicopter was waiting for them.

Bella: Whoah this is going to be so much fun

Harry: I know I have never been this excited

Helicopter Driver: Okay guys the four of you will be riding together so make yourselves comfortable and put on the headphones and seatbelts we don't want any of you flying out.

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