"Hello, Lauren."

"Can I buy you a drink?" She asked with her big blue eyes staring back at mine. "Strictly teacher and student, promise." She continued, laughing.

"Sure, okay." I said with a smile.

Lauren was an amazing artist and a great student, always participating in class. She was nice, really.

But I couldn't overcome the feeling of jealousy I had thinking about her all over Ivy today.

"You look good, Ms. Roman." Lauren said to me, kind of catching me off guard.

I started to blush, much to my embarrassment. I can see what Ivy sees in her, shes actually very pretty. She could still do way better, though.

"It's Viola." I said with a smile.

I then saw Lauren look me up then very... very... slowly back down.

Was my student just checking me out? Right in front of me?

"Can we get 2 shots of," she started then looked at me, allowing me to choose.

"Jack." I said.

"Can we get 2 shots of Jack Daniels on me?" She asked the bartender.

This is so inappropriate, I thought to myself.

After downing our shots, a very drunk Morgan decided to come back over, much to my happiness. The blonde girl seemed to be pretty shit faced, because she was hanging all over Morgan, barely able to walk.

"Hey, cutie." Morgan slurred my way.

"We should go." I said to her sternly, then turning towards Lauren, I continued, "Thanks for the drink, see you in class."

"Come on, love." I said, grabbing Morgan's hand and dragging her away from Lauren and the blonde.

The cold night air felt great on my heated skin.

"We'll get a taxi tonight and tomorrow after school, I will pick you up and take you to your car. Okay?" I asked Morgan.

"Okay." She managed to burp out.

As we called a cab and began the 30 minute drive back to Morgan's house then to mine, the loneliness started kicking in.

I was feeling vulnerable.

Turning towards Morgan's half awake body, I said, "I need to tell you something."

Her eyes opened up a little bit, knowing I needed her to listen. "Alright."

"I think I have feelings for a student." I said worriedly.

"Well fuck, Viola." Morgan replied. "How old is she?"

"She's 18." I answered.



"Well that's not too bad.. I mean she's an adult and she'll be out of school soon." She reassured me.

"Nothing has happened, Morgs. It's just that she's gorgeous. All the girls kiss the ground she walks on, so she must be a player. I just have no one to talk to about it and I needed to admit it to myself and to someone else while I'm still drunk and ready to admit it." I said rambling, the alcohol spilling all of my secrets from deep inside my brain and flowing out of my mouth.

Life Changer (teacherxstudent) (Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now