Chapter 14

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Ms. Roman's POV

As I pulled into my driveway, I realized how stressful today really was. My feet were so sore from these stilettos, I was positive I had at least 5 blisters on each foot.

I got out of my white Mercedes convertible and sighed as I slipped off my heels. I looked up at my new house, still not used to calling it mine.

As I walked up the steps to my front door, I dug my key out of my purse, and unlocked it.

I dropped my shoes to the ground as soon as I stepped in.

"Rorie?" I called.

"Rorie, where are you?" I yelled again.

Soon I was greeted by the sound of little paws running down my stairs.

"Hey, honey!" I said in a baby voice to my 6-month-old pug.

As I set my purse down and sighed as I rested my fingers on a picture frame beside me, "Hi, Pop." I whispered sadly.

It was a photograph of my father sitting on a bench in New York when we visited around 2 years ago, smiling up at the camera I was holding with his big blue eyes.

A rush of pain hit my heart as I thought about the old memory and the fun we had touring around the big city in Taxi cars.

I walked to the kitchen hearing Rorie follow close behind me.

I opened up a bottle of Moscato and decided to pour myself a glass, not really knowing what to do with myself on this Wednesday night.

My thoughts started to wonder towards Ivy and the feelings I was having about her. It was all so confusing and wrong. She was my student and that's a line you do not cross.

But it felt so right when I was around her.

The thought of her long blonde hair and her bright brown eyes made me smile as I thought about the events of today.

Was I jealous of Lauren?

I certainly didn't like seeing Ivy flirt with her at lunch. I felt like I had to intrude and show that chick that Ivy was mine.

But she wasn't.

And then again in the parking lot, I had felt so threatened seeing Lauren kiss her on the cheek.

Rolling my eyes at myself, I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind as I heard my phone buzzing in my purse.

"Hey!" I answered as I seen it was my best friend calling.

"Hey, got plans for tonight?"

"I don't know... maybe sit around and drink some wine while watching a chick flick?" I said back.

"No. Definitely not." Morgan replied laughing. "You're coming out with me."

"Come on, Morgs. I don't know about that. It's been a long day." I said unsure.

"I'll be there at 7 to get you." She demanded as she hung up on me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I looked up at the clock.

Great, it's 6 o'clock now.

After I took a shower, put on some makeup, and curled my hair, I walked into my closet trying to decide what to wear.

I had a pretty big walk in closet and I had a lot of clothes, but I don't really wear any of them.

As I scanned the room, I quickly found a red dress and black heels. After putting my outfit on, I added some red lipstick and grabbed my purse while looking at my phone.

Life Changer (teacherxstudent) (Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now