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*Trigger warning and warning warning*

This story will contain mature language, mentions of suicide and depression, death, (but not the main characters, because no, not in my world), underage relationship, including sexual relations between an adult and a 17 year old and a bit of violence. If you are under 18, struggling with depression, or emotionally fragile in any way, I beg you not read this. Your mental health is more important than anyone or anything and nothing is worth compromising that.

Last, despite the fact that I wrote this; I do not condone this type of relationship. Not just the underage aspect of it, but also the teacher/student part. Most of the stories I write (which I haven't released out of pure embarrassment) are laced with the sin of very detailed and graphic sexual content, but I had a hard time going into detail with the sexual content in this story, because of how guilty it made me feel and it shows. I apologize for that.

I appreciate all comments, suggestions and the pushing of the little star. This is actually the first story I started writing when I joined Wattpad and I was still getting a feel for it, so you'll notice the first chapters are much shorter than the later ones. I hope this story finds you well and affects you the same way the characters have affected me. Thank you and happy reading! 😊

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