chapter twelve

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1 : 3 : 14

I looked around as I enter Jisoo's room.

It was...

"Uh, ugh I'm sorry. It's always such a mess, I don't know why." She said as she blew the loose hair hanging in front of her face while she gathered every paper and clothing before she threw it inside her cabinet.

"Well at least it's not exactly the worst case scenario." I mumbled and sat on her sofa. Her room is huge.

Her room is my dorm together with Daechin's room, it's that big.

It even has a small refrigerator beside her sofa. Well isn't that convenient.

"Here have some banana milk." Jisoo said and tossed me one. Even a little taken aback, I still aught it together with the straw. The night slowly, and slowly drifted and the moonlight seeped into her room while we talked and talked, some were too deep and some were just pure nonesense

I was sitting on the couch, and she's just laying flat down on her bed. She's really comfortable even with having me around.


That's nice.

Silence lingered when I won the argument of Santa Claus existing. I really don't think he does, it's just fun messing with her. She's so competetive when it comes to certain topics.

"Taehyung-ah..." Jisoo called out, with her voice so low. I felt my face go warm at my name. Her voice. It never fails to wow me even if it's simply my name.

She looked at me before staring back at her ceiling. "Chaerin mentioned something to me when you brought me to the dorm..." Jisoo added, swinging her dangling feet.

I paid attention to what she was saying after briefly looking at her.

"About... you befriending me because of a dare-" I immediately choked on the banana milk before she could even finish her sentence.

Oh no. This is bad. From the corner of my eye, I could still see her panic and grab a water bottle from her fridge.

She shoved it in my grip before sitting in front of me with a deadpan expression. I...

I don't want to lose her.

I drank it and quickly looked back at her when she started talking.

"Is it true? I decided to talk to you about that tonight since... I don't want to waste my time on someone fake." Jisoo said and glanced at me partially before looking back at the moon. Suddenly, I can't pull out any words from my mouth. God, how hard can this get.

"I-I'm sorry." I merely said and she only blew out a sigh. She's... calmer than what I expected.

She's something, alright.

"It's okay... I mean it was questionable for you to approach me just because, in the first place." She muttered and smiled. Finally, her eyes met mine. Just this way, I hope you can see what I really mean. What you mean.

I am, still speechless. She has started to show the insecure side of her. I'm so damn shitty.

"I am stupid as well, aren't I? Those were the days before Christmas. Where I hung out with you and there you were, faking it." Jisoo subtly paused before looking down on her carpeted floor. Away from my eyes.

"You, you were doing it for a dare yet here I am. Talking to you." She sighed heavily.

She knew all this time.

"I still suprised you on your birthday well technically on new year and I even spoke to you which is a big deal for me--- I don't know if it is to you but it is to me. Am I fake? Since I knew you are and still... Well I guess somehow I am."

She paused before looking back at me. This time, her eyes looked emptier than the first time I saw hers up close.

"The important thing was... you were there. I was there because I wanted to. Look at me, I even invited you to my birthday party, introduced you to everyone... including my... brother."

Jisoo smiled. It was like her sweet ones but it didn't seem right.

"But I don't have time for mannequins like you now."

boi shit just got real, didn't it?

- moon

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