Everything Is Not What It Seems

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"Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we're proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: We are what we chose to be." - Graham Brown


It was a dark day, the clouds hung over the sky with what looked like dread and gloominess. The wind picked up every minute indicating a storm was to come. It wasn't exactly cold but it wasn't hot either. Yet, the streets of Los Angeles stayed busy. Many business men rushed to get their job, a woman filled with worry hurried to hush the baby in the stroller, and in the middle of all of chaos stood the world famous Camila Cabello. Just as the others walking alongside the sidewalk and driving in their cars, she had her own hectic life to worry about. She was focused on becoming a new solo artist, but today was an important day. It was the day she was to meet with her former band mates. And they didn't quite end on a good note.


It was a perfect day to the girls of Fifth Harmony. They had just got signed to Epic and Syco after placing in 3rd place on X-Factor. They weren't exactly happy about the fact that they had placed in 3rd, but they were grateful to have been signed to these labels so that they could pursue their dreams.

All the girls sat in a booth at Denny's discussing the basics and getting to know each other more. After all, they were going to be stuck with each other for a while. If you looked closely enough, Camila was holding on to Lauren's hand underneath the table as Normani and Dinah played footsies.

The two pair of girls had gotten really close since they had been put together, but none of them openly talked about their attraction to one another. It wasn't like they could make it happen or real. They'd be dropped from the label very quick.

However, that didn't them from doing things secretly. Little did the girls know, secrets were going to tear them apart in the future.

"So Ally, how are things going with Troy?" Normani asked. Love wasn't really something they talked about.

The 19 year-old smiled at Normani.
"Everything is perfect. He treats me like a queen."

"How's the sex?" Dinah said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Dinah!!" Normani said hitting her in the back of the head.

"My innocence is gone." Ally said shaking her head.

"I've only asking what everyone else wanted to know. Well maybe except Camren. They're too busy making lovey dovey eyes at each other."

Lauren rolled her eyes at Dinah's comment, but went back to admiring the way Camila colored her kids menu that she asked for.

After the day ended, the girls retired to their separate rooms. Not a single thing was said because of how tired the girls were. However, the girls didn't know how the other were behind closed doors.

None of them suspected that as soon as Ally entered her room, she reached for her bag of medication that her doctor prescribed her. Her life was beginning and she wanted to stay alive for the rest of it.

No one suspected that Dinah grabbed the measuring tape to measure her waist size. The hate on how thick she was had already began and she was determined to fit everyone's standards for her.

No one suspected that Lauren would have step out to her balcony and open a pack of cigarettes. She had been addicted for a while and the stress from X-Factor had only made it worse.

No one suspected that Normani was receiving threats and texts from her ex-boyfriend. Who was demanding the money she had taken from him and had used to make her family's life better.

And last but not least, no one suspected that the innocent Camila was sexting her abusive boyfriend. Who would later change her life permanently.

But like they said everything is not what it seems.


Camila walked into the large building taking a deep breath. She knew she wasn't ready, but she had to face them at one point. She had to face Lauren.

She smiled at the secretary at the desk. The secretary recognized her and nodded at her. Camila already knew where she was going. Many things had happened in the same meeting room she was about to walk into. Including many therapy sessions that she refused to show up to. All they did was hate on her in those sessions since only her problems mattered. Or more so, she only mattered because she was the problem. According to the group.

The group was hanging on by a thread. All it took was one mistake and the thread would break. However, Camila didn't want to stick around to see the thread break knowing it would unrepairable. So she planned on leaving Fifth Harmony. As all the fans could see, her plan happened a lot earlier then she wanted it to.

Finally, she gathered the courage to push the door open. There sat her former band mates and a woman she didn't recognize.

"What a surprise. Look who decided to show up." Lauren said glaring at the younger Latina.

Of course Lauren would be the first one to make a smart comment, thought Camila. The most damage was done between the two of them.

Dinah took a glance at her ex best friend and went back to tapping on her phone. While Ally looked down, avoiding eye contact with her. As bold as ever, Normani glared at the Latina alongside Lauren. Ever since the Reflection era, Normani's head had been stuck up Lauren's ass. Everyone knew it. And as much as it hurt Dinah, she knew it too. Nobody knew how the two had become so close. They only knew that it was in the mist of all the chaos in the group.

Camila took her seat while the unknown woman cleared her throat.

"Mr. Cowell hired me to settle this feud between all of you. At first, it was good for the publicity, but your fans have started to come after your management, your record, and your label. They have even received threats. So from now, all of you are to be friends. If anyone decides to object, just remember how fast they can drop you from your label. And you are replaceable. They will make sure you never have a career again."

Lauren was all for her self rights and independence and was going to object, but Normani held her down. Their career was already on the line and she knew all of them weren't going to be successful. She didn't need their second star of the group getting kicked out.

Lauren kept quiet, but everyone knew how badly she wanted to say something. Everyone signed the paper that was passed to them. They had gotten used to not reading them. It was no use. The only free one was Camila.

Camila looked down at the contract and fought a battle inside her head. She still had the same label as them, but there wasn't as much control over her. But she still signed the contract. She wanted badly to repair her damaged friendships with everyone. And she knew exactly where to start.

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