Chapter 37- One Direction- Finale

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“What?” Liam asked, shocked. “I'll kill you if I do that!”

“I have to get up there!” Zayn said.

“I'll do it,” Harry said. He had been able to keep the soldiers at bay as the rest tried to think of a plan, but he was sweating pretty badly. “I'll bring you up there. But we need to deal with them first.”

Zayn nodded. “I'll take care of them. Everyone else, get out of the way first.”

The other three did as they were told. Zayn took his place next to Harry, holding his palms up, ready for the soldiers. “You get down as soon as you drop this, yeah?” Zayn said.

Harry nodded. “One... Two... Three!” Harry dropped his force field once more and fell to the ground at the same time.

Zayn crossed his arms over each other before making a sweeping motion with his hands and almost bowing at the same time. Great pillars of flame roared from his hands, consuming the soldiers and burning them to ash in seconds.

“No!” X snarled and another plate started to descend.

“Ready?” Harry asked.

Zayn nodded and he felt the ground come out from underneath him. The guys had always messed around with Harry's telekinesis. Sometimes in ridiculous arguments, Harry would flip them upside down just so he could win, but Zayn knew he would never get over the feeling of having absolutely no control over where he was going.

Harry was careful, though, and Zayn soared over to the top of the robot. He landed directly onto the hatch and crouched down low as soon as he felt Harry's power give out. “You good?” Harry's voice said over the ear piece.

“Yeah,” Zayn said, clutching the wheel on top. He already heard thunder rumbling overhead as he called another storm. He gave the hatch a strong twist and it popped open. “Hey, X!” He shouted, ducking his head into the control room. Mr. X whipped around to face Zayn. The icy eyes behind the mask grew wide with shock. Zayn grinned at him. “Surprise!” He said in a sing song voice before he was struck by lightning once again. Zayn threw his head back and laughed at the feeling the electricity gave him before he stuck his hand onto the inside of the robot.

Power surged through him and the robot shot out electricity from the outside.

“No!” X screamed as jolts of electricity arched across the control panel. He took a stunned step back from the controls as everything flickered and smoked. Zayn was surprised Mr. X himself hadn't been electrocuted. He guessed the floor he was standing on was not completely of metal.

The robot tried to take another step, but it shorted out and stopped moving with half of it's legs in the air. It wobbled from the force of the wind from Zayn's storm and then slowly tipped over.

“Harry!” Zayn shouted as he felt himself falling.

The robot fell out from underneath Zayn, and Zayn squeezed his eyes shut. He felt his hands were ripped from the hatch on the robot and he heard it give a tremendous crash as it hit the ground.

There were a few seconds of complete silence and then Zayn heard “You can open your eyes now, mate. Are you ok?” Zayn slowly opened his eyes and saw he was hovering ten stories over the road, his arms and legs splayed out like a sky diver. Across the street, Harry stood with the others behind him, his hands were held out as if he were going to catch Zayn.

Zayn realized he had been biting his lip to keep from screaming (yeah, real manly) and let go. He tasted a little blood as he let out a long sight. “Yeah. I think I'm ok.”

“Ok,” Harry told him. “I'm going to let you down now.”

“Ok,” Zayn said, nodding.

Harry drew his fingers close to him and Zayn floated towards the boys, his stomach doing nervous flips the entire time.

I'll Be Superhuman (One Direction Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang