Chp. 44 "Welcome to the Bureau"

Start from the beginning

I shook my head again, “I don’t know.”

“Avery, I need you to get in the Tahoe, we’re going to the Bureau now.”

I looked at Roger, realizing that the plans had changed the moment we had walked out of that office. I tried to stand but I was still weak, so Max and Gage helped me. I noticed they were wearing masks over their noses, and I knew it was just a precaution because of Avery, but it honestly scared me. Roger had grabbed them while we were still in the office, and I knew Max and Gage were worried, and only trying to stay healthy.

They helped me into the Tahoe and Roger spoke, “Follow me, and stay close.”

He disappeared into his Mustang while he dialed into his phone, and Gage started up the vehicle. I felt it lurch forward as we hit the road, accelerating quickly. I looked at Avery who was looking out of the window, and I couldn’t tell if she was crying or not. She felt tense, and for some reason this nearly made me break down. I knew I had to stay strong for Avery, and for the other two that were sitting in the front seat refusing to look back at us.

We were both in very dangerous situations.

Then Gage spoke, “What the fuck just happened?”

Max looked back at me, clear sympathy in his light eyes, “They’re after Andy, and now they know she’s a Healer. Which is like, really bad.”

I shook my head, “It’ll be alright, we’re going to the Bureau.” I was still a little out of breath but Max and Gage were still confused and frightened. It could’ve been them that had gotten shot six times, and they wouldn’t have survived like I had.

Then I heard Max speak, “Well, I guess we know you can heal from a bullet wound.”

Gage responded, “Multiple bullet wounds.”

“Now’s not the time guys.”

Gage then made a hard right, jerking the Tahoe onto another secluded street as I peeked out of the window. I crawled over to Avery, wrapping one arm around waist and laying my head on her lap.

There was a very unfamiliar pain in my heart, but it was almost crippling how bad it hurt. I was scared, and holding her was the only thing I could do right now. I was still covered in my own blood but it seemed like Avery didn’t care one bit about me ruining her clothes. Her hand played in my hair as Gage continued to speed off behind Roger, and I was praying we would get there soon.

For Avery’s sake.

I had no idea what to expect, and now that the Tahoe was coming to a halt I was forced back into reality. I saw Roger approach Gage’s side of the car and Gage rolled down his window, “What now?”

“Just follow me, I’ve called and ordered them to set up the back door for us to enter. We have to be quick but quite, I don’t know if there are any Feds out here this far from the Bureau.”

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