Chapter 22

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The next eight days filled with rehearsal, preparations, and shows. Time passed quicker than Kasey thought, and before she knew it, opening night arrived.

Kasey was going to wear a dark navy blue dress that went to her knees, and a pair of earrings that used to belong to her mother. She also planned on wearing heels, which was rare for her. She hated them, but flats didn't look nice enough, since she was a leading actress now.

Carleigh was coming to the show again, which reassured Kasey. Having a friend in the audience always made her feel more at ease.

The four young girls were bouncing off the walls before the performance. Emma held her camera in her hand.

"Kasey!" Lily squealed. "OPENING NIGHT!"

"I know! Are you ready?" Kasey asked, laughing.

"Of course," Lily snorted. "Why wouldn't I be? It's just like the first preview!"

"Not exactly. This time, lots and lots of people will be there. It's our first real performance," Kasey explained.

"I just want to hear you sing 'First Time in Forever' again," Rebecca said. "It's my favorite."

"Make sure you're backstage, then!"

"This is your half-hour call," the intercom announced. Kasey high-fived the girls one last time before heading to her own dressing room to make sure everything was together.

Jess walked in. "Ready?"

"I'm excited, but a little nervous," Kasey admitted.

"Same here. I think we're ready," Jess agreed. "You're amazing, don't worry."

"So are you. Your singing is just fantastic."

"Thanks. I have to go, but see you onstage!" Jess exclaimed.

In the few moments Kasey had alone, she took a deep breath. This was the moment. Broadway was getting closer and closer. For now, it was the Astor Place Theatre. Next would be the Lunt- Fontanne.


The show went better than ever. The audience cheered and clapped, laughed and cried. The familiar songs were a huge hit, and the new ones received great applause.

No one made any huge mistakes. It felt like they could do nothing wrong. The harmonies were there, and the music washed over the audience and the actors.

This was what Kasey loved. The smell of the freshly washed stage, the sounds of the orchestra tuning before the show, the lights shining down on the stage, the faces in the audience. It was so classically musical theatre that it felt like home.

She didn't let her accent drop during the show. Sometimes she could hear herself slip into it for a word, but then she would pull it together again.

The whole show was intense, non-stop running around. Some onstage, some backstage.

Kasey's favorite part was the bow.

Something about standing beside her cast members, onstage, with the pit playing in the background, was truly gratifying. Finally they could present their work of art to the world. It was no longer hidden.

She looked into the crowd and immediately spotted Carleigh, giving her a huge round of applause.

The curtain closed on the cast and everyone instantly hugged each other, laughing and crying.

Jacob tried to hug Kasey, but she ducked away before he could. She still wasn't really comfortable with James's attitude. They didn't click.

Sebastian lightly punched Kasey's arm.

"Great job, Kasey."

"You, too," Kasey replied.


The opening night party lasted quite a while. There was press line, pictures, and food. The band played strange remixes of the songs from the musical.

People raved about the musical. Kasey was happy that there weren't any awful reviews. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the show.

It was a relief to have their first opening night out of the way. They had the approval of the critics and the normal audience members alike. There was nothing that could really prevent them from making it to Broadway.

After a few hours, Kasey decided to head home.

Carleigh ambushed her as soon as she stepped in the door.

"I loved every second of it," Carleigh said. "You were amazing, as always. And it improved a lot since the first preview! I liked everything that was changed."

"Thanks, Carleigh," Kasey said, flopping down on the couch. "I thought the changes were good, too."

"And everyone sitting around me seemed to like it a lot, too. The new songs fit so well. I'm impressed, and kind of jealous about how many great songs you get to sing," Carleigh admitted.

"I love the show, honestly."

"I'm excited to go to opening night, now."

"Well, you have quite a while to go, then," Kasey laughed. "We still have months of shows off-Broadway, and then we'll go back  to rehearsal."

"I know, but I'm still excited to see it again."

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