When We Met

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Trapped. She couldn't move. A horrible dread weighed down on her, and she knew if she moved, she would be abandoned. And then the dark ones would come.
She could hear them, pounding on the walls, growling in the dark.
But in this spot, there was light. She was safe here, protected...
She looked down. There were shackles around her ankles, with chains leading to a solid metal ball that must have weighed twice as much as her.
She would never be free.

Sonea woke with a start. The sweat on her brow caught the cool night air. She shivered, and told herself it was the night air, as she tried to focus on something happy. Erik came to mind. To see him now... the memories came flooding back.


"Sonée~a, Erik is here to help," the little smartypants had a teasing lilt to his voice. No doubt Erik was here to offer Father another hand with repairs, but little Finnick had a better idea I suspect.
To my surprise, Erik popped his head in the door. "Morning. Need a hand?"
I was completely caught off-guard. Before I knew it, there Erik was giving me a hand with the days chores and saying all the while that he just wanted to keep busy until Father needed him. A big smile was on my face before long, and it stayed there well on into the following day. I found out later he knew Father didn't need him that day—he came anyway.

In the following months, whenever I saw him on the farm, he'd do something to make me laugh or smile. Like pretend he got hurt working, then pull a face at me when I'd start to get worried.

I started looking forward to his arrival every day. Then on one occasion when he didn't arrive as expected, I went looking...


Where was he? He usually arrives around this time... I hope he's ok. Maybe he's playing a trick again.

I get back to the laundry, but fifteen minutes later—still nothing. I can't stand it anymore, my curiosity won't be still.

I went looking in the usual places: barn, field, road? Nothing. I tried to keep it calm so no one would wonder why I was running to and fro, but on the way back from the road I couldn't help being in a rush. Gotta get back to the laundry before Mother starts wondering where I've gone.

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me short just as I passed the garden shed. I spun around and there he was, smiling as he pulled me to his hiding spot.

"I was wondering how long it would take. You found me" he laughed "—miss me?"

I blushed, embarrassed.

"So you did!" He was grinning now.

"Why are you out here!?" I tried to change the subject.

"Curiosity," he said.

I looked at him like maybe he was crazy, but my heart jumped when I did—he was serious.

He was still holding my arm too, and then his hand slid down to mine...

Across the MountainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora