A soft breeze

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She wandered through the meadow, enjoying the fresh spring air and the golden evening sun. A nearby creek added its music with the soft breeze that danced through the trees, and the beauty of it lulled her into a traquil sense of peace.
She let all her worries fade away and simply enjoyed the moment, watching as the sun sank below the horizon, and the evening faded to dusk.
As the darkness gathered, her thoughts began to wonder. This life was so different from what she had imagined for herself, from the life she used to strive for. There had been so much pain... she had almost given up, and yet here she was once again, in this very spot, alive and well.
She breathed in deep, relishing the rich smells and familiar scents around her.
Alive and well. Yet... not entirely whole.
She smiled and sighed, then turned back towards the path, and began the short hike into town, and back to her warm palet in the cozy old clothing factory.

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