A sad smile

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What would she do without them? It all seemed so hopeless. Her family gone... her home gone... and no way to reach them. She hoped and prayed that they were alright.
She could hardly bring herself to go on after that day, all those years ago. But she did, pushing herself ever onward... for them.
She tried not to think about how unfair it all was, how angry it made her, how heart broken it left her... best to let it go and think on other things. Other things... but how much longer could she go on like this? No, other things...

She awoke a few hours later. The others were sound asleep. Noticing her book was still out, she gently returned it to its place, then rose to tiptoe down the stairs. She crossed the kitchen and went out the door, letting the cool night air wash over her. The smell was devine, she breathed in deep and crossed her arms in front of her against the chill.

Sometimes she wondered what it would be like to have someone to talk to, or comfort her at a time like this. Someone to share the days joys and troubles with. But that was wishful thinking indeed. This hard world had no room for genuine happiness, only acceptance. Bear it, move on, and smile when you can... like now, when the air is sweet, and the night is peaceful. So she did, she smiled. And sighed. And then, she was glad the tears did not come this night, that was something else to smile about.

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