A longing heart

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Sonea woke with a start to the sound of the morning bell. She groaned along with most of the others, and turned over, pulling the covers over her head.
Eventually the bell rang again and she rose with the last of the girls. They exited the room and headed to their places on the work floor.

She began her tasks, and as she fell into the familiar rhythm, her mind began to wonder.
She had established a decent life here; a roof over her head, easy company, good work--though tedious, and food enough to keep hunger at bay. It wasn't a life anyone here wanted, but each were thankful for the opportunity they had, and for what little coin they made. She was particularly glad to have something to do to occupy her time, and keep her mind from darker thoughts; If not for this, she couldn't imagine where she would be...
She sighed, and tried to focus on her work, though she couldn't shake the feeling... that something was different. Something was tugging at her, working its way into her thoughts, urging her to finish what had started three and a half years ago, to draw it to its conclusion before she became to accustomed to just... enduring. And eventually, perhaps, as time went on: not even caring anymore...

She pondered these things as the day wore on, and as the chatter of other girls rose and fell around her.
When the final bell sounded and everyone began making their way to the mess hall, Sonea headed straight for the stairs up to the sleeping area. She got out her box, and held her journal in her hands once again. She opened it, and sat down to read.

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