A bold stride

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Sonea rose and packed what little she could. She was done making choices about her life out of fear and desperation. Nothing good would ever come of that. She would choose what was right, what was honorable, no matter how hard.
Her family needed help, and she would get help.
Her father.

She wove through the room of sleeping figures and found her way to the kitchens. Mistress was preparing for the morning meal, and Sonea approached her.
"Good morning Mistress."
She spun around, "Well good morning!"
Smiling, Sonea said "I'm leaving today... thank you for everything. Tell the others I said goodbye?"
Gloria paused, then gave a proud smile and nodded. "Take care little miss", she said softly.
Sonea stood there for a minute with a tear in her eye, then asked for a last meal together before she'd go.

With a pack on her back, food in her stomach, and a smile on her face, Sonea stepped out the door. Looking up at the morning sky, she breathed in the chill sweet air and headed on the track to town.

Her mothers most recent letter was clutched firmly in her hand. She needed a map and a compass or she wouldn't get far at all. Perhaps even a lift in the right direction?

The road to town was a familiar one, but her heart was light and she walked with a spring in her step. Though she knew there would be many obstacles ahead, she enjoyed the moment, and felt truly happy for the first time in a long while... she'd forgotten how good it felt.

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