An unexpected turn

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The morning sun shown through the window. Sonea woke before the bell sounded, so she wandered down to the kitchen to help prepare for the morning meal. She enjoyed the task, and the company of the kitchen mistress, Gloria. She was a chipper lady, with a bubbly laugh and soothing voice.
The other two cooks arrived after a short while, and the stoves were fired up, so Sonea bowed out and took a seat in the mess hall, watching the bustle of activity from afar.

When the bell finally rang, everyone enjoyed a warm breakfast of mashed potatoes and eggs with sausage.
And thus another day began. The girls did their work well, and by the evening they had exceeded their daily quota. Glad to be finished, the girls filed out with smiles on their faces to enjoy the evening meal and relax.

Sonea found her way to kitchen once again and joined mistress Gloria by the fire, sipping a warm cup of tea.
"Thank you again for your help today dear." she said smiling "It's so nice when you girls offer a hand, there aren't nearly enough folk around here to care for this place."
"It's alright Mistress, besides I enjoy your company."
"Oh my, aren't you sweet! I really wish it were nicer around here for you darlings. I try my best with the meals at least."
"Well that's good enough for me! There's nothing like a hearty meal to soothe the soul." She grinned, and Gloria agreed and laughed.
"So tell me dear, why is it you've never taken an opportunity to return home like the others do from time to time?"
"...I no longer have a home."
"Are you an orphan, child?"
Seeing the look on her face, Gloria didn't pry further. Sonea started to wonder... could she be an orphan now? The thought scared her. She need to hurry...
"I'm sorry dear," Gloria cut into her thoughts.
"Oh, no... I'll be alright," she took a sip of tea and smiled for her. She made a decision then... but she needed more information first. Then she could form a plan.
She finished her tea, then wished the mistress a goodnight, and padded up the stairs to her pallet.

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