He leaned across the table, looking her up and down.


This time she said it more firmly, flushing bright red.

"What's the matter? My dick ain't good enough for you?" He looked angry.

Without another word she stood, placed a few dollars on the table for the coffee, and walked away.

The asshole got up and followed her at a distance.

Her stride became faster and she kept glancing behind her. Ducking out of the crowds and around a corner she bolted into an empty alleyway. 

Thinking she'd lost him, she slowed down.

Suddenly two boys dressed similarly to the first turned into the alleyway ahead of her and began striding toward her. 

She turned back and began to run just as the boy who had been following her turned the corner. Before she could react she was pinned against the wall with a hand covering her mouth.

Twisting her arms behind her back roughly, the three boys dragged her toward the darker, more secluded section of the alley.

"Aw fuck man, you were right, she's hot." The one holding her wrists said to the first boy as he groped her. 

The other newcomer nodded excitedly, his eyes glazed over.

"Keep your voice down dipshit, or someone'll hear!" The first boy- who seemed to be their leader- ordered.

"So who gets her first?" asked the second boy as he bound her wrists together tightly behind her back with rope.

As she suddenly realized what was about to happen to her, she began struggling frantically. Biting her captors hand, he flinched and uncovered her mouth. 

She let out a scream, but before anyone could hear her, she was cut off by a hard punch to the stomach. 

Winded and in pain she crumbled to the ground.

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" The first boy roared at her. Dragging her to her feet, he stuffed a piece of cloth in her mouth and tied it behind her head.

"She bit my fucking hand!" the second boy screamed in outrage.

"She bit my fucking hand! I'm fucking bleeding!" 

Ignoring him, the leader pulled a small blade out of his pocket and pressed it against her throat.

"Now listen to me bitch, you're going to do everything I say, and if you don't, you'll regret it." He growled, pushing the cold blade harder against her neck. 

"Got it?" 

She trembled, frozen, staring up at him. 

"Answer me bitch!" He screamed in her face.

She nodded, whimpering softly.

"You're going to regret ever saying no to me bitch." 

He started tearing at her clothes, groping her breasts beneath her shirt roughly.

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