• he gaves up •

501 40 59

"Lee Jihoon, fucking get off him."

Seungkwan shook woozi off him and looked upwards, finding himself shadowed by the dark-haired standing man. Just by the demanding voice sickened with something else Seungkwan failed to recognize, he knew perfectly who the man was.

"Hey, Seungkwan," The man looked down, smirking at the sight of seungkwan.

"thank you for asking about me, your own brother, i'm fine, thank you, and you?" woozi threw his own brother a disgusted face and stood up. The man glances at woozi uninterestedly, but soon focuses his attention back to the boy who's sitting on the ground unprotected.

"are you afraid of me?" the man bends down and looks into seungwkan's chocolate brown eyes. He allows himself to forget everything and just paint his whole mind with his favorite color. The color of seungkwan's eyes, a magical color that he believes only existed in the boy's eyes. The only colors that were able to bring out a whole universe for the man.

"no... why are you here," seungkwan's voice shuddered weakly, surprising both himself and his best friend. But leaving the man smirking, "seok..."

"i missed you, so I came here," the man said, causally.

Way too causal.

Way, way too causal.

seungkwan pushed himself up, and bitened back what he wanted to scream at his... ex-lover.

"we need to talk," seungkwan avoided the man's unbroken but intense eye contact.

"yep, you bet, and maybe we also need to fu-" seokmin smirked again triumphantly.

"we need. to. talk." seungkwan said again, his voice biting firmly into every syllable of every word. His eyes are now not avoiding his ex-lovers' eyes, instead staring straight and dauntlessly into them.

"wow, calm down little kitten," seokmin grinned, brightly.

Way too bright.

way, way too bright.

"let's go to... my house? we can talk in my bedroom if you want," seokmin suggested, reaching out his hand for seungkwan.

Seungkwan slapped his hand away, and started walking out of his best-friend's room. Seokmin followed closely.

"don't come over little bro," Seokmin pushed on his sunglasses, "it might get a little graphic for that inexperienced little brain of yours."


"And play me a little nice tune," Seokmin waved carelessly, "to sing about that green-haired coffee shop boy you just met a few days ago."

"How?" Woozi catched up to them, blushing in confusion, "... did someone tell you?"

"nope. but don't worry about him, he's safe to be around," Seokmin's eyes softened, and he patted his little brother's head lovingly, "but still use protection when you guys..."

"bastard!" woozi screamed and felt his face heating up. He turned around and made his way back to his own room. empty. empty. again.

• • •

"why are you sitting so far away from me?" Seokmin patted the space next to him, "come here."

"why...?" seungkwan's voice shuddered, he hopes that seokmin doesn't hear his frantic breathing and doesn't see his shaking hands and doesn't notice his weakening body.

"come here and i'll explain," seokmin patted the space next to him again.

"no." seungkwan replied shortly, because he knows, if he said anything longer than an one-word answer, he wouldn't be able to hold his tears anymore.

"fine then," Seokmin stood up, and walked towards seungkwan, "I'll come to you."

He sat down next to seungkwan and smiled happily.

way. too. happy.

way. way. way. way. way. too happy.

at least for seungkwan.

"stop..." seungkwan felt the man getting closer and closer to him. Their foreheads almost touching, but seungkwan couldn't get himself to push the man away.

"nope," seokmin leaned in closer again, now their noses are touching, "my house, my rules."

"i'm leaving." seungkwan tried to stand up.

but he was pinned down on the gigantic couch by his ex-lover, now on top on him, their lips centimeters away.

"it's been almost half a year... 116 days... seokmin... seok... why did you leave me! you had no idea what i had to fucking endure! fuck you! go fuck yourself in a hole! i don't want to see you ever again! i thought you got bored of me and... why do you get bored of everyone... i hate you... i hate you so much..." seungkwan cried, then his soft cries turned into piercing screams, but then his screams weakened. Then he was crying again.

seungkwan gaves up.

He gaves up holding his tears and screams back.

He gaves up restraining himself from getting what he missed so badly.

He gaves up telling himself that things are ok.

He gaves up blaming seokmin for leaving him.

He gaves up trying to start a new life.

He gaves up finding someone else.


Seokmin was kissing him.

Seungkwan gaves up and lost.

or so he thought.


wattpad deleted my draft like 3 times.

but i love and appreciate you guys so iM SO NICE. i rewrote it 3 times.

hopefully you enjoyed this chap tho <3


GO FOLLOW @booly.seungkwan ON INSTA CAUSE uhm. idk why you should follow me tho.


yay. lol srry bye *flies away*

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