I'm Still Young, There's Still Time

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Sometimes you just want to break out in horrible screams— to make a noise, to leave an imprint to everyone's hearts and twisted minds that this world is as ignorant as them. It's repetitive day-to-day living, under the guise that everything is fine, that our lives and the things around it are in control. We live in a society shrouded with hate, and every corner lies a shade with an even darker intent.

I wanna scream at them, tell them they're blind. They're fools. Trying to their anger out in issues so irrelevant, so selfishly designed to satisfy their own agendas... They're acquainted in this thinking. Them first before the others. The thought of that kind of thinking churns a terrifying cluster of emotions in my core, something solid yet fluid to the touch, running across my veins like a drug. Something that needs to be channeled through my fist and unto the cheek. It needs to be let out in a shout: make yourself known. I wanna take this out on them, the ignorant, the selfish, the people who want others to go down, the people who'd rather see the world burn behind their wake.

Maybe I, too, am selfish. Their hate fueled my dreams; lit the flames of my heart into ignition. There are some people out there with the same passion as I, but there are too many people who oppose our world. The peace that needs to be maintained, and to be improved. They are the shadows that lurk in the crowd's underfoot. Veiled like a normal being, under our noses, but malicious as their heart can be.

People are monsters, yes, but a majority of us are good, too. We may struggle, and we may fall, but we will prevail. We will pave a path of light through dense thicket of this deceiving society, and we will triumph, chins lifted high. The numbers doesn't matter as long as we have our voice, the power to oppose the forces, and unite against all odds. The world is a place where vicious people work as elites, and poverty-stricken people are brainwashed to achieve their goals. A cycle that needs to stop, or it would never be reversed.

People need to start on themselves to change the world, they say. But the people won't change if they don't want to, and that's where I come around.

I'll make sure, til my very last breath, I'll do my best to change this world for the better. I'll try, and I'll try, but first, I need to get stronger for myself, and for the people around me. Strength in every part of me will keep me on going forward. So here's to a fruitful goal, a dream for everyone's sake.

I will smite the pain, and I will rise against this ache.



NOTE: Sorry for the INCREDIBLY slow update! I'll try to post here and there in a span of a week! Here's something I've been cooping in my mind for some time, now! And if you're reading this, 'ex-friends', this one's dedicated to you! :) Mwa! Until the next update, mates! xx

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