To Be

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Well, let's start it here: to be human, is to find meaning. You're a person in this world, born into it, born outside the walls of knowing, and growing into this fine youth you are now. You are thrown into this world of possibilities, experiencing everything with eyes of wonder and curiosity, sparkling with every bit of questions that's running inside that metaphorical brain of yours. It's like feeling the soft and silky sand of the seashore, burying your toes into the sand, sinking to it a bit more because it feels great and warm and it's just the little things in life like that, for the first time, that makes it so momentous and absurdly amazing. It's truly amazing. You feel the water dampen the sand, turning a dark brown, all mushy and clumpy. You see the ebbing waves crash against clusters of jagged rocks across the deep blue distance. You feel the salty sea breeze caress your face, sending chills to your face as you sit down on the now-dry sand. You take in your sight. The sky looks amazing, and wow, so that's how what the sky looks like when the whole ocean's right in front of you. In all of its grand vastness. It almost makes you wanna sink in the sand, encasing you within an embrace that promises a never-ending Summer vacation. In that moment, in that youthful instant, heart beating, an organism functioning in terms with the whole environment, you realize you never really wanna leave. You never want to experience not experiencing this; it's too great not to. It's that time in life where going to the beach becomes something meaningful. It becomes too special to never come back. You left a piece of you in a single grain of sand, and you need to come back again and again to make yourself whole, wishing to feel what you've felt the first time you were here.

And that's just it. You were here for a reason in this world. You're meant to do things. You're meant to feel the moment, not just with the sense of touch, but also immerse yourself to the world itself as something tangible. Maybe that's how the phrase "You've got the whole world in your hands," came to be. But it's not. It's an illusion, a mirage that makes you think that you already have it. That's why you keep coming back for it. You keep going forward. You long for another one. Arms outstretched, ready to catch stars. You chase dreams one after another. And in those dreams, you meet people. You inspire. You make them feel, as they do the same to you. You're supposed to live life, so go do it. The beach isn't just gonna sit there and do nothing; it's waiting for you to do something. The waves will crash, the breeze will dance, and the sands will scatter. Go live your life, feel every moment as if it was your first and last. Love the simple things, accept the bad. And once you've done all of that, bring a friend to the beach. Find that old spot where everything started. Talk about life, laugh, smile, feel the emotions rushing out— all the nostalgia piling into one. You've lived your life. Your purpose in this world has been met.

So, the question is: What does it mean to be human? Well, this case is subjective in any means, and my answer is completely based out of my pure opinion, but I think to be human is to feel, and to make others feel. Emotions, experience, knowledge— we all heed the need to feel those. Ever since you were born, since the first breath you took, since the moment you were bestowed the gift of experiencing this world... You were already a human, and when you feel the burst of life that rushes past by you in a flash of light, warm in babylike softness and wonder; curious like a passing shooting star in a starless, midnight sky— a passing of life that shoots through your veins so natural, yet so unnatural it makes you wanna ask more, to achieve more. To strive for more, and until you've heard the first and last crash of the unwavering sea...

You're more human than you've ever been.


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