Chapter 21

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They all sit around the table sipping Emily's favorite wine. "I'm really gonna miss them..." Garcia says playing with her glass and Morgan nods. "Me too Baby girl. Me too." He says rubbing her arm. "So Dave.. you found them in his office?" JJ asks trying not to laugh. "It was when they were supposed to go on their honeymoon but it got called off due to a case. I came in 30 minutes before we were supposed to and I heard something in his office" he bites back his laugh "and against my better judgment I opened the door. There they were going at it on his couch." Everyone arupts with laugher at the though of the 2 best agents being so unprofessional. Once the laughter dies down JJ speaks. "One time Emily was at my house. Pen wasn't there, it was just us. And we probably had drank a whole bottle of wine each." She smiles remembering that night. "She had to pee really bad. To this day I don't know why the didn't use the bathroom downstairs but she went all the way upstairs. Well I was waiting for her when I heard a scream then a thud. She fell off the counter because she was trying to pee in the sink." She starts laughing even harder remembering finding her on the floor. "Emily always knew how to have a good time drinking." Morgan says thinking about the last time they went to the bar. "Rossi remember Aaron on their wedding day?" Morgan asks. "Yeah. He was so nervous he puked in the trashcan and I thought he was going to ruin his suit sweating so much." Rossi laughs speaking of the memory. "You guys. I just remembered something." Garcia speaks up. "Emily told me one night they decided to write a letter if they were to ever die." She says looking around at everyone. "Should we go and find them?" Reid asks. "I think we should go tomorrow." JJ says. The rest of the group nods in agreement. They all fall into a comfortable silence till Rossi stands. "To great FBI agents. To great friends. To great people. To Emily and Aaron." He raises his glass and everyone says "To Emily and Aaron." Everyone says clinking their glasses before sipping them. They all tell more stories about Emily and Hotch for the rest of the night. Lots of smiles and tears. They were all going to miss their best friends. One by one they all exchange hugs and say goodbye to go home. JJ is last to leave so Rossi walks her to the front. "You gonna be okay Bella?" He asks rubbing her back while she unlocks her car. "Yeah... I'm really going to miss them though." She says looking up at him. "I know. I'll miss them too. We all will, but it will get easier." He says trying to reassure her. "I know. Thanks Rossi." She says climbing into the driver seat. "Call me if you need." He says and she nods. He closes her door and she drives home.....

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