Chapter 15

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Emily awakes to the smell of bacon and pancakes. She throws her hands over her eyes shielding herself from the light. Looking down she realizes she's only in her shirt, bra, and panties. "What the hell did I do last night?" She sits up slowly and yanks the curtains shut. After throwing on some sweatpants and tossing some advil back she ventures down the stairs. Hotch stands in the kitchen shirtless making breakfast. Oh yeah, they had some talking to do. Emily pours herself and him a cup and sits at the island. "Hungover?" He asks passing her a pancake. She nods slowly. "What is the last thing you remember?" He preposes another question while sitting next to her. "Telling the bartender another round. Then it all goes blank." She bites into the pancake and looks at him. He decides it's best for everyone that he doesn't tell her what had happened. He and Morgan will have a talk later. "So you wanted to talk?" She says quietly sipping the mug she is holding in her small delicate hands. "Emily, I know what I've been doing was wrong. Every level of wrong. After you left the hospital I told Beth things with her and I needed to be done. I love you Emily." He says placing his hand on here. "I was so ashamed of myself I would drink. When I drink I get anrgy. And you know the rest. I should have never even drank that first time." He says and she turns away. "It's not that simple Aaron." She says moving across the kitchen leaning against the marble kitchen counter. "I can't forgive you in just a snap. Easy as one two three. It's not like that!!" She yells. Staying calm was off the table now. "I know Emily! Let me make it up to you!!" He pleads trying to get her calm again. He stands and she moves. "6 years ago I was madly in love with you...." she starts. Taking a deep breath she continues but stares at the floor. "After these past few days... I'm not so sure I do anymore." Shock takes over his face and he goes pale. She pushes past him and runs upstairs. She just wants to be alone. He will leave her alone if she's in the shower. She turns on the water, rids her clothes and gets in. Emily slides down the wall and puts her head in between her knees. Did she really love him anymore? She didn't know. Hotch cleans up the kitchen quickly and quietly. He can't believe she just said she didn't love him. He had drove her away. This was all his fault. He smashes his fist into the wall. He would definitely have to fix that later but he didn't care right now. He has fucked up big time. He grabs a shirt from the couch and walks out of the house. Down to his car. Whipping open the door he gets in and starts it. He backs up and speeds off. He drives and drives not knowing exactly where he is going. He ends up in an very familiar driveway. He turns off the car and walks up to the door. He knocks rapidly and it opens a few minutes later. Beth stands there with her hair in a pony and still in her pajamas. She opens her door wider and he comes in. As soon as the door is shut he envelopes her in a hug kissing her deeply....

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