Chapter 10

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As soon as Emily arrives she runs to his room. He is sitting on the edge of the bed with gauze wrapped around where the bullet had hit him. "Aaron.." she says before launching herself at him. She wraps her arms around his neck holding on for dear life. He's alive. Right there in front of her. He's okay. "I was so scared I lost you." She whispers and he wraps his none injured around around her waist pulling her onto his lap. "Emily... I know I'm sorry isn't going to fix what I've done but I'm gonna try. I'm so sorry Emily." He places his hand on her cheek. She slowly blinks letting a tear slip. She goes to kiss him when his phone rings. She looks down to see the name. It was Beth. Her heart falls to her stomach. "Answer it." She states quietly moving off his lap. "Answer it and put it on speaker." Emily demands handing him then ringing phone. He hesitates but knows he doesn't have a choice in this anymore. Hotch clicks accept and turns it on speaker. Beth's voice came booming thought the phone. "Aaron? Babe? Are you okay? I was told you were shot!!" She says obviously panicking. Emily's eyes harden with her arms tightly crossed against her chest. "Beth. The key has fallen in the crack." He says not meeting Emily's eyes. "I'm not doing this anymore." Emily says loudly before exiting the room with anger fuming. "Em?" Rossi says as she passes him but she keeps walking. She walks out of the hospital and keeps walking. She doesn't know where she's going but she is going somewhere other than here. She keeps walking till she finds a beach. She walks out on the dock and slips off her boots. Emily dangles her toes in the water splashing slightly. She takes this time to evaluate everything in the past days. She can't understand how things changed so drastically. A part of her wishes JJ would have never told her. This wouldn't have happened, but it's not JJ's fault. She was only being a good friend. Emily doesn't know how long she has been there. It seems like hours of blankly staring at the water. The sun is about to go down when her phone rings. She pulls it out to see JJ'S name flashing across the bright screen. "Hello?" She mumbles into the phone not taking her eyes off the water. "Emily? Where are you?" JJ asks with a hint of worry laced in her voice. "The lake a mile away." Emily responds quietly. "I'm coming to pick you up. You need to be here." Before she could reject the blonde hangs up. Sighing Emily gets up and walks off the dock. A few minutes later JJ pulls up and Emily climbs in. The 2 women drive silently all the way back to the hotel. As they park JJ speaks up....

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