Chapter 12

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(Back to present time)
"Before we go in I want to let you know Beth is here." JJ starts out slowly. Emily looks at her confused as to why she would bring her back here if Beth was up there with HER husband. "I want you to walk in there Emily. With your head held high. Step right in between him and her and kiss him. Deeper and more passionate than you ever have then leave. He's your husband Emily." JJ finishes grabbing her hand. Emily nods and gets out of the truck. They 2 women walk inside the building and up 2 flights. They pass the waiting room filled with the team. When they get to Hotch's room Beth is leaning against the wall smirking while Aaron leans back on the bed. Emily clears her throat making her presence known. They both look at her, Beth's face stunned. Aaron stares at her not knowing what to do. Without looking back at Beth she walks over to Hotch. She straddles his lap and grabs his face. He is to shocked to stop her. She tilts her head and kisses him. Just like JJ said. Deep and passionate. She pulls away slowly opening her eyes. Emily leans in again whispering in his ear. "She doesn't love you like I do." With that Emily gets off his lap and walks out of the room not turning back. She starts walking down the hall when a voice makes her stop. She stops dead in her tracks. "He doesn't love you, ya know." Beth yells down the hallway. Emily whips around glaring at her. "What the hell did you just say to me?" She says walking towards Beth till they are nose to nose. "You heard me." She sneers back. "You listen to me and you listen to me closely, Beth." Emily says in her face. Beth can feel her hot breath on her face. "He married me. While he is out kissing you or fucking you, just remember I'm the one he comes home to. I'm the one he sleeps next to ever night. I'm the one who has his last name and can call him my husband. You are just a little side fuck." Emily says giving her a small smile and Beth stares at her in disbelief. She turns around and walks out meeting JJ at the end of the hall. "Someone needs to kick that women's ass before I pull my gun." Emily slides on her sunglasses and walks out of the hospital......

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