Chapter 9

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They finally catch a break around 7pm. The team has worked hard all day long. They split into 2 SUVs to go to the unsubs house. Emily rides with Morgan and JJ while Hotch drives with Reid and Rossi. Hotch's SUV gets there before Emily's. Morgan's phone starts ringing as they near the house they are heading towards. "What? Rossi... please tell me you are kidding. Oh my god. Yeah... I'll tell 'em." Morgan hangs up the phone and sighs deeply not knowing how to tell them. "What? What happened?" Emily asks her heart starting to race. "Hotch went in without his gun and vest." Morgan starts out slowly. "He was shot." He says quietly as they pull up to the curb. Emily's fears have come true. Her husband put himself in the line of fire. Before the car is in park Emily bolts from the car to the EMTs loading Hotch into the ambulance. "AARON!!" She yells trying to see him. "Ma'am you need to stay back!" The EMT stops her before running towards Hotch. "THAT'S MY HUSBAND" She yells trying to push her way through. "Ma'am you can see him at the hospital." He climbs into the ambulance speeding away leaving Emily hyperventilating and crying. JJ and Morgan rush up to Emily just in time for her to collapse in a panic attack. "Calm. Breathe." JJ whispers rubbing Emily's back in circles. Emily can't stop shaking. Her throat tightens. "Calm down Em. Close your eyes focus on nothing but breathing." JJ whispers still rubbing her back. Once Emily is okay she sits up up wiping her face. "Where was he shot?" She asks quietly. Nobody responds. "I said, where was he shot!?" She repeats louder. "In the arm." Rossi says as they walk to the SUV to go to the hospital. Emily stands staring at where the ambulance just was. Before she moves 3 officers escort the unsub out the the house. She closes her eyes tightly as Morgan leads her to the car. They all climb in with Morgan in the driver seat, and Emily in the passenger seat. Everyone else rides in the other car. Emily stares out the window biting her nails till they bleed. "I don't understand you Emily..." Morgan mumbles driving as fast as the law will let him. "What does that mean, Derek?" She snaps holding back the tears stinging her eyes. "I mean, that he beats on you yet you still freak out about him. I don't get how you can love someone like that." He says shaking his head not glancing at her. "This isn't the man I married 6 years ago in Rossi's back yard. This isn't the man I got pregnant with then went through the loss with. This isn't that man, Derek. He is still Aaron. My Aaron. He will stop this rampage." Emily says glaring at him. "Why in the world are you defending him Emily?!" He finally glances over seeing her angry stare. "I do not need to explain myself to you." She huffs staring back out the window. She just wanted to get to her husband and go the hell home.....

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