Chapter 18

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That's exactly what Hotch did. He had his way with her. After he finishes he goes and takes a shower. Emily curls up into a small ball. Wrapping her arms around her bare legs. Her husband just forced her into sex. How the hell did they get into the position? She tries not let sobs take over but they do. Her body is racked with sobs. She can't let this go on any further. She quickly grabs new clothes since he had ripped the other ones. She quickly gets dressed as fast as she can. She needed to get out and get out fast. Emily shoves a bunch of clothes into her go-bag and runs into their joined office for her credentials and gun. She is so busy searching in a frantic pace she fails to hear the shower shut off. She runs down the stairs and into the dining room. Her gun and credentials are sitting on the bookshelf. She quickly grabs them and goes to put them in her bag. She starts to walk towards the door when she is grabbed abruptly. She turns to see Hotch staring at her. He only has pajama pants on. He threw them on after seeing Emily gone and ran downstairs to stop her. "I told you that you were not leaving me Emily." He huffs holding on to Emily's arm. She tries to pull away but he has a death grip. She starts thrashing violently and kicks him. She gets out of his grip and runs from him. She heads to the back door and hears him approaching behind her. She turns and he has his hands at her throat pushing her into the door she was trying to escape from. "YOU AREN'T LEAVING ME EMILY. I LOVE YOU." She keeps struggling against him. He tightens his hands around her throat absent-mindedly. She can barely breath. "Why can't you just seen I love you?" He hisses and the smell of alcohol fills her airway. She is struggling but manages to get her hand into her bag. After fumbling she finally finds what she was looking for. Emily pulls out her gun without drawing attention to it. She closes her eyes and presses it to him quickly. She pulls the trigger and keeps her eyes closed. His hands releases her neck and he falls to the ground. She drops the gun and starts hyperventilating. She steps over his body and scrambles to the corner. She grabs her phone and dials JJ's number. She has tears streaming down her face. She just killed her husband. "Jennifer Jareau." JJ's tired voice fills her ears. "Jayje.... I....." she can't even get the words out. Sobs take over and JJ quickly says "I'll be right over." She hangs up and drops the phone to the floor. She keeps crying, not even able to look at his body. What feels like an eternity JJ finally gets there. She runs into the kitchen and stops dead in her tracks. Her eyes widen when she sees his body laying lifeless by the door. Her eyes advert to Emily. Shaking with blood splatter on her. She runs over to her and kneels down. "Emily... what happened?" She asks quietly. She had called the team on the way there, they would be there any minute. "He attacked me again." Emily sobs. JJ pulls her up and into a hug. "I need to call 911." She assist Emily into the living room before running back to check his pulse. There was none. Emily had killed him. She stands up and Morgan, Rossi, and Reid were standing in the doorway. She shakes her head "He's gone." They stare at his body in disbelief....

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