Chapter 5

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Hotch and Emily walk into the bullpen together. Emily stops at her desk and sets her go-bag down. She takes the file being handed to her by a fast paced walking JJ. "Damn Prentiss. What the hell happened to you?" Derek asks as he arrives right after them. Hotch pace to his office quickens and slams the door shut. Not one of the profilers miss it. "I went for a walk last night and was attacked. They pulled a knife but only got my hand. I pulled my gun and scared then off." She says before opening the file and heading towards the conference room. She thought it was convincing enough, but Morgan didn't buy it. Everyone filed in and sits around the table before Garcia starts presenting. "4 couples in Madison Wisconsin have been murdered and the dump site is a park." Garcia says with a shudder. "Well, he's definitely confidant." Emily states turning away from the gruesome pictures. "Wheels up in 10. We get there go straight to the hotels and get an early start. We will debrief more in the morning." Hotch says gathering the file and sticking it into his bag. Everyone gathers their things and heads to the jet. Emily quickly rewraps her cut hand and puts her bags over her shoulder. She starts heading towards the glass door and falls into step with JJ. "You good?" She asks and Emily nods her head slowly. "Emily if you need help you better tell me. You can stay in the hotel room with me tonight if you need." JJ says rubbing Emily's arm softly. Emily nods her head again and they both go to the airstrip. When Emily pulls up Hotch is waiting outside the jet. She grabs her computer bad and go-bag before climbing out. She gives him a slight smile before walking towards him. He grabs her elbow and yanks her into him. "Do not tell anyone what has happened between us." He snarls quietly staring at her intensely. "Okay." She says quietly looking up at him. Fear filling her body. "I didn't ask you to speak." He pushes her back and they both turn to see JJ staring at them. Emily looks down and Hotch ignores JJ. The 3 aboard the plane quietly. Emily goes to sit down next to Morgan but Hotch grabs her arm harder than outside the plane and makes her sit next to him. JJ tries her best not to glare at him. How could she let him do this to her best friend? Emily reads over the file over and over again. Profiling him in her head. "Emily." Hotch says not looking up from his phone where he is typing quickly. "Yes dear?" She says looking up to look at him. "Refill my tea?" He asks handing her his empty cup still not looking up. "Sure thing, dear" she takes the coffee cup sighing and walks to the kitchenette. She is heating up water when Morgan walks up next to her. "Hey Em." He says bumping her arm slightly. "How are you and boss-man?" Emily holds back her sigh and nods. "We are great. Marriage is wonderful." She drops the tea bag into the cup before heading back to her seat to avoid any further conversation on the Hotchner-Prentiss rocky marriage...

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