Chapter 6

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Once they hit the ground they head to the hotel. After getting the keys to their room they say goodnight and they will see each other bright and early. JJ whispers she is next store if Emily needs her. "Goodnight Jennifer." Hotch steps in between Emily and JJ making both women take a step back. "You touch her Hotch I'll kill you myself." JJ hisses quietly so no one else hears. "Is that a threat, JJ?" He asks giving her a death glare. "No. It's a promise." The blonde turns wiping her hair and walks into room. Emily hurries into the room staring down at her feet. Hotch walks into the room after her. Shutting and locking the door behind him. Emily changes into her pajamas and lays down exhausted. "Emily." Hotch says again, using the same tone as on the plane. "Make your own tea." She mumbles closing her eyes. "Emily." He repeats leaning against the dresser with his arms crossed. Emily sighs and sits up rubbing the clouds from her eyes. "What?" She looks up at him ringing her hands hoping not to endure another hit. "I'm sorry." He says looking at her with sorry eyes. "What?" Emily chokes out. "I've been such an ass Emily. I have. I'm so sorry." He sits on the bed next to her and she moves away. "Sorry isn't going to fix this, Aaron." Emily spits out and Hotch's head lowers. "I know." He says moving his hand to her leg. "Emily I'm going to make it up to you." She shoves his hand off her and moves off the bed. "Don't touch me. Don't fucking touch me." She yells and glares at him. "Do you know what you have even done? We have been married for 6 years!! All of a sudden you cheat on me and then start beating on me! That's not okay!" She says and he stands up following her across the room. "Keep your voice down Emily." He says trying to remain calm. "Why Aaron? Scared the team will find out you are a cheater and a wife beater? Huh Aaron! Is that why you want me to keep my voice down." She says raising her voice even louder. Rage overthrows Hotch and he shoves her into the wall had at her throat. "I said to keep your voice down." He snarls whispering in here face. "Gonna beat me some more? Do it Aaron. Show me how much you aren't a man." He tightens his grip on her throat and brings his knee up to her abdomin pinning her against the wall. "Shut up Emily!!" He screams in her face. "Get! Off" she yells as much as she could with his hand squeezing her throat. His free hand travels down her body and the look in his eyes change. "God you are hot when you get angry" he tries to kiss her but she wiggles from his grip shoving him away. "No. Leave me alone!!!" She says sternly standing up straight. "You are my wife. I'm not leaving you alone." He goes to grab her again when there is a banging at the door. Hotch glares at Emily and mouths "Answer it. Don't you say anything" then goes into the bathroom. Emily composes herself before opening the door. She opens it to see a Morgan standing in sweats and an FBI t-shirt with a gun in his hands. "Emily? Are you okay? What were you yelling about?" He asks his face filled with concern. Emily pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and glances at the bathroom door before speaking....

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