They're Bonding

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I felt like a major jerk for bringing up the wedding thing, so I went to appologize to Ick.

"Look, Nick, I'm sorry about the whole thing, and for being a jerk. This is really hard to say but..." and I was cut off.

"Its okay, Liz. I'm sorry too. Like you said, I was confussed and you were the girl closest tomy heart so I said that." He stated.

"No need for you to appologize." I said.

"Eh, I felt compelled to. So are we still friends?" He asked.

"Yeah...I guess." I joked.

"Well, good. Who else would I play with SILLY STRING with?!" He bellowed!"

"OMG SILLY STRING!" I screamed and we ran outside.

We each had three cans-one blue, one purple, and one green. I was halfway done with my second one when I noticed my shoe wasuntied.

"TIME OUT! My shoe is untied." I commanded.

"Okay....FINEEEEEEEEEEE!"Nick whined.

While I was tying my shoe I felt something on my butt.

"HEY! Time out means no spraying me!" I spit out at him.

"Oops. I guess it slipped. Sorry!" He smirked.


Joe's POV

"Do you see this major flirt-fest, Kevin?" I questioned.

"Yup. Its incredible how they fake the fact that they want to only be friends when we all know they are in love." He explained.

I shook my head, "Its insanity. He says he doesn't love her and it was a mistake telling her that. And she just goes along with it."

"They kind of both know each others feelings, they just choose to ignore it. He knows he loves her but didn't want to loose her because he thought she felt differently but she loves him back. She just won't bring herself to admit it." He said, sounding like a shrink.

"How deep, Kev." I teased.

"What ever. Have you noticed, she hasn't called him Ick in two days." He acknowledged.

"Yeah. And he hasn't been ignoring her. I just want to yell it in their faces 'You know you love each other so friggin' go out all ready!' Man, would that be fun..." I imagined it as I told him.

"Yeah and the agony of waiting for them to get together would be over." Kev stated.

"It going to take forever...." I laughed.

"Longer than that. Light years..." Kev joked.

Liz's POV

I was gonnahang out with Julianna so I ran out of the house.I had gotten Ick back by tripping him and getting his shoes all muddy. For a Monday, today was great!

"Hey girlie!" I belted once she came into view.

We did the same thng we do every tiem we see each other-run to each other like we would run through a field of flowers in the movies.

"LIZZZZZZ its been forever!" She joked.


Juli and I were by a tree, going around it only steeping on the roots. It was an unnamed game we always played.

"So hows Fish?" She asked. Fish was Ick's code name.

"I don't know. Why don't you come over and ask him?" I suggested.

"I will. How's Tamborine Boy?" Tamborine Boy was Joe's code name.

"Good. I guess." I stated, shrugging.

"What about...Oh, damn. I forgot Kevin's code name!" She laughed.

"Me too." i stated.

By now we were walking to my house.

We picked out the code names because we felt like it one day. Ick was Fish because we always joke about how the guys went to the year 3000 and they were under water. So we wondered if the people were fish or mutin sea people. Then Joe was Tamborine Boy

because Stella calls him that on J.O.N.A.S. Then Kevin's was something funny but we can't remember!

When we got to my house, Juli was invited for dinner. That means we had 12 people for dinner. My parents are crazy and wayy nice.

That night I went to bed early because I had school.

Nick's POV

When Liz was sleeping I whispered this to her:

"I'll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. I'll smile when you smile & feel the pain you do, & if you cry a single tear, I promise I'll cry too."

I only told Liz I didn't love her to make her my friend again. My love for her won't die, but only grow stronger until the day she realizes, she loves me too.

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