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   "Miss L/n, we have you under Mr. Crocodiles name would you mind coming in? He's been charged on an assault and is currently being held in custody."

You blinked silently, slowly standing as you looked out the window to look around for his car; which was nowhere to be seen.

"O-of course, I...I'll be down in fifteen minutes.."


The line went dead, the dial tone ringing in your ear before you tossed the phone away and hurriedly got dressed.



Your hands flitted through his hair slowly, his eyes closed while his head rested against your lap on the couch; legs propped up and relaxed against the arm rest.

"How was work today hm..." You hummed lowly, eyes focused on his face as he shifted below you just slightly. "You didn't get home as steamed as usual so I'd say something went well.."

"Or maybe when I got out of that hellhole I go to I remembered that I wouldn't be coming back home to a quiet, barren place...Mmm? You ever think of that?"

You leaned against the rest of the couch, gently scratching the base of his neck as a few bones popped beneath your fingers.

"Think of what exactly..? Of course you wouldn't come home to something barren and quiet..There's people here all the time cleaning and cooking for you.."

He sighed turning on his side slowly, couch creaking beneath him as his eyes remained closed; your hand now roaming over his cheek and ear to his neck. You stopped at his shoulder, squeezing it gently as he let out a deep sigh. "Am I wrong?"

"No. No, you're right there are people here when I'm home but..Do you think i pay them any mind? Eh? The only time I'll talk to them is if I need something..but moving on.." His eyes flickered to you quickly, a small smile pulling at the edge of your lips. "Do you remember..Do you remember the first time we met one another..?"

"Croc, please." You rolled your eyes, a small scoff escaping you as a chuckle slipped out, "Don't go all mad romance on me.."

"I'm not, I'm just asking...Do you remember?" He sat up slowly, your hand falling into your lap as he sat back and looked down at you. "Because I do."

You skimmed across his face quickly, leaning forward onto your knees. "Yeah, I can remember..It was awhile ago..I think about a year and a half, could've been longer.."



You hummed, looking up at the door to your office as mixed voices talked behind it. You rearranged the desk quickly, readjusting the crystal piece on your desk at the corner before a tall dark dressed gentleman made his way to the seat Infront of you; a sweet but musky scent following after.

"Miss L/n, I'm presuming. Sorry I'm late but the receptionist doesn't even know her own way around the building..And apparently nobody else does either."

You smiled, leaning forward just slightly for a small chuckle.

"I'm sorry about the inconvenience Sir, but I'm glad you're here now. Now, under corporate law I'll have you sign a few papers before we continue disclosing your cases and possible mental rehabilitation yada yada.." your fingers flickered through the files in your drawer, drawing out a stack with a pen in hand. "It will only be a few minutes and we'll continue on for a session the rest of the hour."

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