Work day

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By PirateQueenD Deviant art

"Cancel my two p.m I have a private matter to tend too." Your boss informs you.
"Yes Mr. Crocodile." You breathe adjusting hiss schedule and starting to make the call.
"___." He adds, making you glance up. "You look lovely today, try not to stay too late, it is Christmas Eve." He rumbles strolling out. You blush slightly watching the door close. You glance down at yourself, you honestly felt like crap and you were positive it showed. Yet, Crocodile wasn't the type to give compliments.
Your boss was a wealthy and famous business owner. He also was a playboy. Handsome and smart, he usually came by the office with a different model every few hours. He was even popular with men, though he made it clear he preferred the opposite sex.
You didn't show it, but you envied those women sometimes. You felt like a fool, falling for the man who obviously had no interest in you. Yet you stayed, worked diligently, got rid of uninvited guests, and catered to him without question.
You were happy to do it too. Just lonely, but that was nothing new. You pause, looking over at the clock. "Already ten?" You murmur looking out at the night sky. You rub your cheek looking at the papers and sighing. Still papers to do... Oh well, you honestly didn't have plans for tonight.
You get up deciding to walk around a bit, taking out the gift you had got for Crocodile, expensive cigars from one of his favorite vacation spots. Yeah, you were hopeless. You carefully take it to his office, setting it on his desk. With a small smile you head back out and get back to work.
A few minutes pass and someone walks in, making you pause and look up, blinking at Crocodile who came in looking worn and agitated. He looks up, amber eyes meeting yours. "You're still working? Go home ___, don't worry about the rest." He murmurs going past into his office. You blink and frown at the door and get up going out briefly before bringing back a bottle of wine.
You knock quietly before peering in. He looks over at you. "I brought you some wine, you seem like you need it." You murmur coming in and setting down the bottle on his desk. He blinks at it then you.
"Thank you ___ you always know what I need... But shouldn't you be home checking on Cirrus? I thought he was sick a few days ago." He breathes. You blink at him a few times and start to giggle. Crocodile pauses and looks at you. "What's funny?"
"I-I'm sorry sir, it's just. You never remember your flings names, but I mentioned my cats name once and you remember." You giggle with a blush. He blinks and relaxes with a hum, taking two glasses from his desk and pouring wine in both, offering you one which you gladly take.
"You're right... I wonder when it happened..." He murmurs sitting back and taking a sip of his wine. You blink at him curiously.
"Sir?" You murmur with a head tilt. He meets your gaze.
"You're really something else ___. Day after day I bring by different beautiful women into my office and you don't bat an eyelash. You do as you're told, you work, you get rid of that annoying Flamingo when he comes by, and even resisted his sweet charms when he tries to steal you away. So loyal to me no matter what I do as if you're holding onto some thought that I may become attached to you and yet-" He freezes, something like dismay coming across his face.
You realize then that his words had triggered something and made a tear leave your eye. "I know I'm a fool for falling for a man like you. You don't have to point it out..." You murmur setting down the glass before swiftly going to the door. "I hope you feel better in the morning, have a Merry Christmas sir..." You add before walking out.
Crocodile opens his mouth but stops himself, eyes moving to the gift you left for him. He opens it, looking over the cigars and sighing softly. "A man like me..."

Cirrus mewls cutely, rubbing his cheek against yours, waking you slightly. You sit up and yawn, petting the little grey puff ball. "Merry Christmas my cute little kitten," You breathe, scooping him up and heading out to your living room, stopping and blinking at the gifts under the tree. "I don't remember there being so many.." You murmur going over and sitting down with the kitten at the tree. You reach out and pick up one of the new presents while Cirrus plays with a wrapped up yarn ball. You glance at your playing kitten before opening the gift, blinking at the scratching post set.
"Look at the Cy, someone got you a scratch post tower..." You murmur to the kitten setting th box to the side so the hyper little kitten can jump on it and thrash about happily before diving off to run around the room. You giggle watching him. "I'm glad you're having fun.." You look around and reach for another gift as your door opens making you freeze and look over in shock as Crocodile walks in with a drink tray. He closes the door and stops, looking at you.
"Mr. Crocodile??" You breathe in surprise.
"I wasn't expecting you up this early... I hope you're not mad, your neighbor let me in..." He tells you, setting the drink tray and breakfast bag on your table.
"I... What is this? You have me confused..." You murmur adjusting your sleeping attire self conscious.
"You didn't let me finish last night, though you were right to make me feel like an ass..." He kneels in front of you, gazing into your eyes. "What I was going to say was, though it was just your hope that I would fall for you, it happened... I'm in love with you ___... Give me a chance to be a better man for you." He whispers, touching your hand.
"This is beyond my favorite dream..." You murmur, blushing heavily. He pauses and chuckles lightly.
"___, this isn't a dream." He informs you.
"Are you sure?" You ask with a head tilt. He chuckles again.
"Well, I hope not at least." He breathes leaning in and kissing you. You start to relax and kiss back when Cirrus suddenly jumps onto Crocodile's shoulder and hugs his head playfully nipping at him. You blink and giggle while he chuckles as Cirrus bursts off through the room again. "Heh, I hope he doesn't try that with my bananadile..."
"... When did you get one of those??"

Again from PirateQueenD on deviantart!

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