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You sat hopeless on the ground, pushing back tears as they desperately tried their hardest to flow down your cheeks.

You looked back up to the sky that was beginning to dim now, clouds starting to block the view of the suns rays.

You stood slowly, gripping your bag as you wandered throughout the streets without much direction, letting your feet take you wherever they wandered.

You tried your hardest to not look at the lifeless eyes of still bodies on the pavement, careful not to trip over them as you stepped over a few on your way down the walk.

You hugged your jacket around you, zipping it up fully as you made your way back to the apartment, carefully eyeing the deli on your way back as it now sat vacant seated.

You opened the door and hurried up the stairs, walking to your door as you opened it up for the third time today and walked in, shutting it behind you without a second thought.

What were you to do now? What was there to do?

You could've asked yourself a million times what to do and you still wouldn't know an answer.

Should you grab your stuff and get out as quickly as you could? Or should you stay and wait for authorities to show up?

You had no idea, and didn't intend on figuring it out.

You hurried around the apartment, picking up anything that was of value as you stuffed it into a bag.

You scavenged around, pulling out your phone and wallet as you walked out and down the stairs, looking back only once more before walking out the door and down the street.

You kept forward, shaking your head as you kept your eyes closed.

Where were you going to go? You could drive a car when there were bodies literally littered all throughout the streets.

You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand up, stopping momentarily to listen for any kind of sounds.


As you continued on you glanced around, gripping the bag over your shoulder as you carried on; before you were abruptly grabbed.

"Hey what the fuck!?"

"We have one sir, there doesn't seem to be any kind of affects."

"Affects!? Get off of me!"

You struggled as you were dragged backwards, not even catching a glimpse of your captors before you were tossed into the back of some kind of vehicle.

You beat against the walls, someone coming up from the front to hold you back as another tied your arms together, lacing rope around your legs before finishing off with a gag to silence your already dull cries for help.

You laid back looking up as you squirmed every so often at the itchy feeling of the ropes, letting out a small sigh before closing your eyes and letting yourself fall asleep.

As you woke up, you noticed the vehicle was empty; or empty by what you could gather.

There was no noise in the car, no commotion or talking from upfront, and the AC had been turned off as you had noticed by your hot and sticky shirt.

You wriggled up to sit against the cold wall of the vehicle, sighing as you let your head roll to one side as your eyes closed.

Where were you going? And who were you going with? Who were these people in the first place?

You assumed they were some kind of government officials or maybe the CDC coming to check out the damage that had been done, but that didn't seem the case because they clearly didn't pay mind to the thousands of bodies littering the street of your hometown.

'What in the fuck is my life right now? I just witnessed mass genocide of people that just dropped dead out of thin air, what the hell could this be!? And when people come and get me they're level headed about it!?'

Your eyes shot open as the engine started, doors on either side closing shut as you moves backwards and nearly fell over, steeling yourself to keep upright to stay awake as the car drove down some more.

You blinked a few times, shaking your head as you leaned back.

The car finally stopped as you were just about to doze off, flinching as the door opens and you were grabbed out and pushed into some blinding light.

You kneeled down on the floor, eyes closed as you tried your hardest to dull out the voices from above you.

"We found her trying to leave the site, had a bag."

"Everyone else was effectively wipes out sir, no questions asked."

"No questions asked? Go on and put her in the room then, we'll get onto testing as soon as we're able to, but make sure not to stress the body too much it'll weaken the immune system; and we need that healthy."

You heard the clicking of boots as someone walked away, your arms hoisted up as you were walked down another hallway and corridor, eyes opened to look at all the doors.

You tried counting the numbers but you were too disoriented to understand what anything was at the moment; with you being in the dark for so long.

That drew you to question; what time was it? And another question brewed; why did you care?

Its not like you'd need time anymore seeing you'd be held captive in this hell hole for however long they kept you.

As you were walked into a room, you glanced over and noticed another person glancing in at you; a large man with disheveled hair and cold looking eyes.

You took in a deep breath as the gag was taken off, walking back as they took the rest of the bounds off and put you up against...something.

You tried to look around, your arms being restrained just as your legs were, something coming up around your shoulders to holster something onto your head, a sinking feeling placing in your gut as your eyes closed.

What now?

What is this!?

What kind of life had you lived to deserve to be seen and taken advantage of in such a mundane way by people you didn't even know and could barely recall as law officials?

You heard the door close, your eyes adjusting slowly as the bright light dimmed and you glanced over to the glass parting of the wall that showed another person hooked up just as you were.

You relaxed back, trying not to fight against anything as you closed your eyes for a final time, slipping back to into a deep sleep that would hopefully last a lifetime.

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