February fourteenth

489 33 7

Here's a little valentines from me to you~

~ Mama❤

You walked down the hall quietly, your lover still asleep; but not for long.

He had strange sleeping habits only he'd be able to follow, the man could stay up for all hours of the morning and night and still only need four hours of sleep..which left you with five by yourself and a cold place beside you while he was up and about.

But it didn't bother you too much, you'd gotten him to fall asleep earlier day by day, and had eventually gotten him into the habit of sleeping in; if only for a few extra minutes.

Thankfully, today was a day he found himself the luxury of sleeping away.

Hopefully that'd be for the next half an hour or so.

You slipped down the stairwell, listening to the small patter your bare feet made against the floor as you quietly entered the kitchen and switched on the light in the dining room.

"Croco-boy don't you ruin it like you ruined your birthday surprise.."

You smile slightly and shake your head at the little memory of last year, letting your eyes roam around to set the scene back in place;


You had woken up earlier that morning, quicky making haste to the dining room as the rest of the staff made their way to the kitchen.

You gently sat the large vase of flowers in the center of the table, smoothing down the leaves as the rest brought in the subtle decoration, hanging them above the doorway as the rest sat the cake beside the vase; card gently placed against the side as a glass covering was placed atop the cake.

Your eyes shifted out into the hallway, making sure he was nowhere near.


Your hushed whisper halted the movements as you peered out from the doorway, leering around and glancing up at the stairs that led to the next level of the house; slight creaking and thudding footsteps beating against the floor.

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